Vashti F~



6 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Traumatized, out of the loop, wants to listen to your problems, won't remember hers, atractted to sorrow (single)


Vashti; The Therapist
Tracker Ears
No. 33

- pratical - hard working - emotionally supressive - observant - reliable - supportive - good listener - private - uncultured -

Vashti is rarely sitting idle while a worthy cause remains unfinished. Her ability to connect with others on an intimate level is unique because she is a bit of a Introvert, and the joy she experiences in using those connections to maintain a supportive demeanor, is usually kept to herself. She is often meticulous to the point of perfectionism, and though she is known to procrastinate, she can always be relied on to get the job done. She emjoys listening or finding out someones story or problems. Aalthough she is too afraid to look into her own, she tries to be understanding of anyone's past and listens to everyone, if they;re willing to talk. Though Vashti comes across as serious and blank most of the time it's often because she's rather shy, and isn't sure how to act, but she'd never show how insecure and odd she feels in public. To hide this she tries to be more stoic, but she is rather peaceful and helpful. She will help find memories, thoughts, or lions as she is intrigued by everything. Vash has an excellent memory despite the fact she has no idea what happened to her. Vashti will defend all who need it, and stand up for herself. However, Vashti also knows that she can be a little too logical and serious, and she attempts to be more adventerous and to lighten up some.

  • Cubs, and their curiousity
  • Stories and Legends
  • Free Will
  • Stability
  • Looking at the Moon(s)
  • Gold Dust
  • Organization, Neatness
  • Deception
  • Getting Wet
  • Ice or Cold Elements
  • Chaos
  • Feeling Incompetent
  • Violation
  • Bullies
  • Therapy (for others)
  • Hunting/Tracking/Exploring
  • Finding "moments"
  • Teaching
  • Meeting new individuals
  • Trying new things
  • Public speaking
  • She likes the rain but dislikes being wet
  • Vashti enjoys hunting but not killing
  • Doesn't like Armor because of the way it feels
  • She doesn't understand competition
Pet Peeves
  • Messy things or lions
  • Ungrateful and rude remarks
  • Absentee parents
  • Invasion of personal space (w/o permission)
  • Scared of losing her free will in a relationship
  • Never finding her sister
  • Being Homless
  • Torture

Vashti’s life began with her sister, her only sibling. They relied on each other from day one, as their mother would come and go as she pleased. They never knew a father, only, truly, each other. They knew nothing of their world: not a kind word, not any detail of their culture, not even how to use their elements. Yet, together, they grew and survived. Even when their mother suddenly disappeared forever. The cubs spent their youngest years being chased from place to place, never welcome, never stable. Eventually they caught a break, and just in time, her sister was weak from the constant battle they fought. As they kept to their small corner of the world, amidst the Unknown Lands, a group of unfriendly nomads loomed closer. Vashti never learned much of her element and her sister’s only came in bursts, but one night she had a vision, a horrible one. Everything was red with blood, her eyesight, her body and her sister. Her only sibling’s body lay limp and far from Vashti’s grasp in this vision. She shook the images away, however, believing it to be nothing but a disturbing thought and curled up next to her sibling. The next morning however, as she is thrown into consciousness, literally, yards from her kin, she sees nothing but red. She smells the iron of blood. The cub’s face is bleeding, her vision is tinted, blurry. And away from her, her sister lays, unmoving. A wail erupts from her body only to turn into a whimper as large claws sink into her skin and pin her to the ground. A large brute lords over her. “You will come with me or you will die.” The male lion growls this before adding, “Your sister refused my generous offer. Do not make that mistake.”

Despite everything in her body telling her to fight back, Vashti is ushered along by the attacker, never knowing if her sister was alive or dead. She never agreed to this, she said nothing to his words. Yet, her silence sealed her fate. Vashti was healed and slowly brainwashed into thinking that this cruel brute, Xerxes, and his followers were her family. They’d protect her. The other lionesses were mere servants and only same close when requested. The two other males answered to Xerxes, but Xerxes spoke little. She wandered between the two parts of the group, learning as much as she could. Although she was loyal to this pride, she would never forgive them for her sister. Something changed when she transformed into an adult, however. Xerxes began to speak to her, to request her presence. The naive young lioness thought she was different, special. She enjoyed his attention. So, despite not knowing the details of what having a mate meant, she agreed when he asked, believing herself to have become his equal. Although she started out refusing his advances, after a while he began to punish her if she refused him. No food, or a new injury, or even being left behind. Eventually, despite her building rage, she gave up disobeying. Yet it wasn’t enough for Xerxes. She had already angered him, made him spiteful towards her. He requested ridiculous things of her, impossible tasks, only to punish her when she could not do as he pleased. It took complete humiliation for her to stand up to him. His rogue, disgusting friends had visited and all he asked was that she come and sit before them. So she did, and then he proceeded to instruct her to do all kind of menial tasks. Sit down. Roll over. Beg. As she did exactly what was asked of her, completely unfazed by his use of her, he bragged that she was the perfect trophy hunt. He killed her sister to make her comply, made sure to brainwash her, and then forced her to do as he said. It was then that she snapped. She went for his neck but ended up on the ground. She found it fitting that she started life with her sister, and would die fighting for her sister’s and her own sake.

She awoke days later, unable to move and covered in blood. Someone had found her, and as she slowly focused on their form she whispered, “Sister is that you?”. Ethereal’s pride had found her, unable to tell if she was a nomad or a pride member due to the blood. Either way they healed her and took her to the judge, Valkyrie. They discovered that Vashti had no recollection of how she ended up so badly injured, or even how she was an adult. Later she knew there was a huge gap in her memories, but had no idea where she’d been all that time. Where was her sister? Slowly Vashti adapted to Pride life and tried to blend in. Somehow she became a sort of therapist for her friends and acquaintances and began to reach out, yet she’s too scared to look into herself for answers. With what flashbacks she’s had she can imagine what happened to her, and none of the possibilities seem swell. As she continues to live on, though, she is drawn to others with a lot of turmoil or a lot of pain. This brought her to reluctantly adopting a cub named Core. Found injured like herself, he stuck with her even though she frankly told him another lion would nurture him better. Yet even as an adult, he still comes back to her. And she appreciates it. She’s making her own family in the pride, yet she still searches for her sister, hoping and waiting.


Core Although Vashti was unsure about adopting a cub, as she thought she would be a horrible caretaker, Vash loves Core. They both had parents they barely knew, and although she raised him, they have a caring big sister and curious little brother relationship. She doesn't call him son, and he doesn't call her mom, but they're still family.

Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa. Nam elementum egestas semper.

Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae.

"The heart is a strange beast and not ruled by logic." - Maria V. Snyder, Touch of Power
  • ● A link to her original form.
  • ● A link to her DA reference.
  • ● Vashti was inspired by the story of Queen Vashti in the bible.
  • ● Although she was my first LoC, I followed the species before then.
  • ● Fun Fact; Originally her sister was dead permenantly, but I changed it.
  • ● Fun Fact 2; I think it would be fun if someone's loc was her sister and they reunited.

    - #cb2a41
    - #e7c9a3
    - #64908a
    - #424254
    - #593848
    - #351330

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