Booth - F*



6 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Troubled fbi agent who is a rock for others, previously a soldier, loves animals, has a monkey (Shipped)


Booth; The Agent
Seeley Booth
"Booth", Uncle Boot, Seeley
Fur Type
Fluffy: pointy snout
Tail Type
Slot & Gen
Free; Nursery
NB #306
FBI Agent
Single; In love with Bestie

- Protective - Charming - Fair - Friendly - Insecure - Competitive - Impulsive - Loyal - Self-Sacrificial -

They say dogs are the most loyal companion a man can have, but Booth’s loyalty competes with that statement. He devotes himself fervently to the things he believes are moral and just. Such as his family, his job, and his beliefs. Even when his own interests and problems are weighing down on him, Booth will put others first. It is mostly to ease his guilty conscience, as he believes himself to be unimportant and bad. He believes himself to be at fault for those he couldn’t save, for things he may not have been able to fix, and for most things that have gone the wrong way before. Booth faults no one more than himself and can be very hard on himself, but he feels it is for a good reason. He doesn’t believe himself to be good morally so he repents by saving others, solving murders, catching bad guys, and taking care of the ones he loves. Towards others Booth is very fair, giving what judgment he thinks is right to others and giving them the benefit of the doubt. He often trusts his gut when he reads people and it does cause him to make the wrong assumption sometimes but it is a useful tool when it comes to his job. Booth has always been a charmer, complimenting others and being a little flirty, and is pretty friendly most of the time. He’s definitely an “act first and ask questions later” kind of person but tries not to take it too far and is aware that some situations should be handled with caution. When he is not working, Booth can be found with his people, at his apartment, or at Kiki’s Sweets. He loves spending quality time with friends and family, and can be playfully competitive or just plain silly. If any one of his people are threatened or hurt, he does have a strong temper, and will impulsively do what he thinks will stop their pain or the threat, whether it is a good idea or not. He has taken it too far in the past, but tries very hard to control his anger and take more time to assess the situation. Booth is many things and would give the shirt off his back to make the world a better place.

  • Baked desserts
  • Coffee
  • Action movies
  • Flowers
  • Fall/Autumn
  • Baths
  • Seashells
  • Clowns
  • Licorice
  • Some Technology
  • xxxxx
  • more no
  • why
  • get it away
  • Watching TV
  • Practicing his Aim (shooting)
  • Hanging out with friends/fam
  • Fishing
  • Playing Cards
  • Jogging
  • Dancing
  • very particular about his hair
  • silly quirk
  • something annoying
  • stupidity at its finest
Pet Peeves
  • did you just
  • seriously
  • do that
  • to me
  • Clowns
  • scream
  • scarred for life
  • burn it

Seeley Booth was born to Blizzard and Jersey, and has two older sisters Gwynn and Chardonnay. When he got older they had another baby, a boy named Pinkie-aide, but Booth was pretty much out of the house by then. As a child he was very friendly and open, but that hasn't changed much. He made many friends and is still friends with some of them. He was very close with his father, they fished together and he looks up to his father a lot still. He became best friends with a bean named Anka, who he affectionately called Bones. They went everywhere together, and sometimes she even went on vacation with him and his family. They grew up together, they were stuck at the hip. She gave him his first seashell, and he still collects them. Although he had many friends and enjoyed spending time with others his age Booth was closest with Anka. She was the only one to call him Seeley for a long time as for most people he preferred to be called Booth. Booth had a close relationship with a woman named Waffle when he was young, she was a mentor to him and much like a second mother to him, he is very thankful for the veterinarian's company.

As they got older Booth and Anka remained close, and he fell in love with her as a teenager. They began dating once they confessed their feelings.When he turned old enough, Booth joined the Army. They sent each other letters as often as possible when he went off and when he came back from basics, he proposed to her. One day while he was on tour he received a letter from her detailing their breakup, she was moving away suddenly and no longer wanted to be with him. He hasn't seen her since then. It really messed with him. He tried to move on after Anka and met a girl named Kirin Roo. They flirted with each other and she traveled some as well so they only saw each other occasionally. They became friends as both were always dating when the other one was single, and for a while had crushes on each other. Booth nicknamed her RooRoo.

Booth became an Agent for the FBI when he came back from the Army. He first focused in homicides. He did date some after he came home from overseas but none seemed to last for very long. Booth went off for another tour in the Army, his job waiting for him when he returned. When he did return he showed signs of PTSD and still has some symptoms, mostly nightmares. He saved a squirrel monkey who got caught up in the battlezone and brought her back. Waffle's daughter, Magpie, affectionately named her Jo'Anna Banana Gummy Bear, or Nana. Nana is missing most of her tail and can’t live on her own. Kirin and Booth became best friends, and she had married and had a baby, Carsyn or Chubs. He supported her 100%, often helping out and doing what he could, especially with her husband being gone a lot. Slowly Booth has fallen hopelessly in love with Kirin. He knows he can't say or do anything based on his feelings and respects her relationships but its a topic they both dance around.

Booth is still incredibly close with both Kirin and Chubs, and was surprised when Kirin had another baby with her husband, as they were no longer in love. Theo is like a son to Booth, but he tries not to take over that place, as he knows it is not his to take. Theo was accepted instantly, and even though Booth was a little hurt Kirin kept the pregnancy from him, he only wanted to help her. Theo used to call him Dad. He lives in the same apartment flat as Kirin and helps her out with Chubs who is still a baby, although Theo has grown and moved out. He is Theo and Chubs' "fairy godmother" and loves them dearly. He more recently switched his job from focusing in homicides to fraud and money laundering. It's not quite as hectic and he has more free time to spend with his monkey and Kirin and the kids. He is often taking care of Chubs or in Kirin's bakery, Kiki's Sweets. Booth is still in love with Kirin, but even as she has recently gone through a divorce, he knows it is not the right time. She is still shaken up from the long process. He is there to support her every step of the way and would be even if he hadn't fallen for her romantically.


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Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa. Nam elementum egestas semper.

Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae.

"Fake it till you make it." - Unknown
  • ● Booth was my very first bean, I've had him for five years.
  • ● Although based on the character from Bones the tv show, he is different.
  • ● Booth is a very skilled shot, but hates using his gun on the job.
  • ● As a kid booth wanted to be a superhero.
  • ● His love of seashells is based off my own love of collecting them. I collect them with my grandma.
  • ● Booth can't cook very well, maybe if it has intructions he won't burn it???

    - #c45969
    - #a35069
    - #913f58
    - #571f31
    - #3ab6c7
    - #6a2729

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