Vysera Eyavin



2 years, 1 month ago


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Vysera Eyavin

26 • Female • She/her

The Voyager Hero

  • VERSE Storm King's Thunder
  • YEAR CREATED April 2018
  • FULL NAME Vysera Kasti Therena Eyavin
  • BIRTHDAY December 2 (Sagittarius)
  • RACE Human
  • ALIGNMENT Chaotic Good
  • CLASS Ancestral Guardian Barbarian
  • SEXUALITY Bisexual
  • BIRTHPLACE Northlander Isles
  • ANTHEM Rose Tattoo
  • Tattoos
  • Sailing
  • parring
  • Folklore
  • Her family :)
  • Snobs
  • Magic (mostly since she has 0 apptitude for it)
  • Harmful cowardice
  • Overly sweet foods/li>


Life as a seafaring warrior has made Vysera extraordinarily reliable and loyal to her companions. Courageous, ferocious, and an adventure-seeker, she always takes on danger with a smile and welcomes a challenge. Being the eldest of six siblings, she often projects a big sister attitude on others, but is maybe not the best example of "words over actions" as she gets testy and zealous when her loyalty or might is challenged.

She values teamwork and strong leadership above all else and would do most anything for the betterment and safety of her family. She feels an intense connection to her homeland and her heroic ancestors, secure in the thought that she will always be drawn back to the Norhtlander Isles no matter how far she travels.



Vysera hails from a community of northlanders that have a special connection to dragons. They herald dragon imagery, and especially favor metallic dragons for their nobility and good nature. They are highly accomplished sailors, riding “Dragonships” named for their ionic wooden dragon heads on their bows and sails painted and constructed like dragon wings. The community mainly consists of artisans and sailors, but most know their way around a sword as well as a ship and have produced some few nortable warriors from their numbers. In times past, Vysera's family line consisted of adventurers, sailors, dragon riders, and dragon slayers.

Vy was practically born and raised at sea. As a child she felt more home on the ocean than anywhere else, but was always finding trouble. The oldest of 6, she and her siblings loved the ocean and her best childhood memories are of sailing with her family. As she got older, she didn't quite have the gentle, deliberate touch of an artisan nor the patience for farming, and lacked the contentment for a life labor on the islands. She was feisty and daring- confidently sailing through storms to hone her abilities, and was always the first one to take up arms when other raiders came by to pillage them.

This attitude barely changed when she came into adulthood. She'd become a seasoned warrior and seafarer and commanded a lot of respect from her crewmates and peers. She is proud of her people and always loved the life of a sailor, but the adventurous itch is constantly at her heels.


Ragnvald Eyavin — Father. Helped train Vysera in combat when she insisted on learning, and lets her take command of the family's ship on occasion.

Kalda Eyavin — Mother. Also helped train Vy. Was often the one knocking sense into her as a child, though she did often share that responsibility with Ragnvald.

Kyris Rieddek Andas Eyavin — Younger brother, seafarer conclave ranger Shares a lot of the same interests and attitudes as Vysera; mostly inseperable growing up. One thing he has over her is his lack of grudge-keeping.

Brina Aganessa Nèl Eyavin — Younger sister, hunter conclave ranger Had a tense relationship with Vysera growing up due to her and Kyris being so alike and Brina feeling like a third wheel.

Arik Magnus Elyas Eyavin— Youngest brother, rune knight fighter. Liked to team up with Magnus to prank Vy growing up. Secretly made a habbit of observing her fighting technique to use himself.

Magnus Arik Alsfur Eyavin — Youngest brother, dragon soul dragoon. Enjoyed pestering Vysera as a child to see what kind of prank she'd pull back. Relationship could be somewhat turbulent at times since they're both incredibly stubborn.

Ragna Helena Fríðr Eyavin — Youngest sister, oath of glory paladin. Grew up admiring Vysera very much, often emulating her in various ways. Given their age gap they didn't have much in common/often hang out one-on-one before Vysera was leaving home regularly.


Vysera is fair-skinned and hazel-eyed with a tall, muscular figure. She has a brutish face with a scar running from her browline down her cheek, and one across her nose from when she broke it (and her nose remaines visibly indicative that it has been broken before). Her ash blonde hair, although very long, has become brittle to the touch from the whipping sea winds.

Her arms are decorated with swirling tattoos resembling crashing, tumultuous waves. Another tattoo stretches across her upper back: a pair of dragon wings- a nod to her distant ancestors' affinity to ride dragons, as well as a swallow bird on each side of her ribs symbolizing her extensive time sailing. On the left side of her face is a tattoo of two intertwined dragons, symbolizing her parents/her family in general.


  • 6' tall, athletic build
  • One cartalige ring in her left ear
  • Always wears a necklace of skrimshaw
  • LANGUAGES: Common, Dwarven
  • TOOLS: Navigator's Tools, Waterborne Vehicles
  • PROFICIENCIES: Athletics, Intimidation, Survival, Perception, Nature
  • WEAPON: Hafþórr (glaive)
  • OFF-WEAPON: Carved handaxe
  • ARMOR: none
  • Vysera is a melee fighter who primarily uses two-handed weapons. She mainly focuses on goading enemies into fighting her rather than someone else and slicing them down with one of her large weapons, as well as using the spectral warriors summoned during her rage to defend her allies. She uses her brute strength to her advantage to become a lethal guardian against any who would pass her reach.
  • Competitive rowing
  • Sailing
  • Fishing
  • Swimming & cliff diving
  • Camping
  • Working out
  • Lucky charm (Vegvisir coin)
  • Frost Giant's handaxe
  • Giant-sized bag of salt
  • VIRTUE Dilligence
  • SIN Pride
  • ANIMAL Timber wolf
  • FLOWER Bay tree blossom
  • GEMSTONE Hematite
  • COLORS Navy blue, red, grey, gold
  • LOVE LANGUAGE (GIVING) Acts of service, quality time
  • LOVE LANGUAGE (RECIEVING) Physical touch, quality time, gift giving

Teammate / Crush

Vysera and Ashta's personality and likes overlap so much that it's almost a circle. Ashta's tender heart and altruistic nature won her over and she's developed quite the crush on him. While she does feel like she knows him better than anyone else in the party, she has a sinking feeling he's not telling her everything. Perhaps one day she'll be willing to pry, hopefully without causing a rift between them.



Donnie and Vysera share the best and worst quality: being human. She can relate to him on some level with both of them being born and raised in the coldest parts of the Sword Coast, Donnie's heritage as a mainlander makes the similarities end there. She finds it difficult to get to know him given his nature of stillness and matter-of-fact-tone, but it's nothing personal. She knows deep down he's got the best of intentions at heart.


Teammate / Hypeman

Vysera was not sure what to make of the honeyed-worded bard when they first met, but Snow has grown on her like barnacles on a ship's keel. His constnant avoidance of conflict can sometimes irk her, but she just reminds herself that not everyone is built for that, or desensitized enough for it. She admires how Snow consistently tries to build up his friends confidence and show compassion to others, even when they could be considered an enemy./p>



Lydia's nature both impresses Vysera and fills her with envy. Being the chosen champion of a dragon is something of mythical status to her; something Vysera could only dream of being after direct connections with dragons fell out of her family's ancestral purview long ago. She's eager to get to know Lydia and how she came into such position, and is glad to have another helpful face on the team too.

  • In Vysera's neck of the woods, some Northlanders can claim lineage from mytho-historic people who were aligned with mighty dragons. The Eyavin lineage — Vysera's mother's side — claims to be descended from Áska "Dovasdottir", a human raised by a silver dragon of great power, or sired by one, or hatched from a silver dragon egg, or even a dragon in disguise (any could be true, there are many versions of her myth). In some versions, she marries the sea-hero Halvar Falkand, who famously raised a crystal dragon, Vyseniir, from an egg he found ensconced in ice and was granted 500 years of life as thanks.

    This claim is somewhat confirmed by Vysera's position as the family's current ancestral guardian. While she hasn't been able to contact any relatives beyond only 3 or 4 generations before, it is a goal of hers to find out if the myths and folktales are really true. Her father's side is more famed for their shipwrights and warriors, but Vysera aims to look back there too to see if theres any forgotten legends.

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