Saire Velhelda



6 years, 5 months ago


✦ AGE ✦ 21 RACE ✦ Human
✦ BIRTHDAY ✦ October 11✦ OCCUPATION  Seeker

A woman living in a land that has since been overthrown. The Nation of Thraakol--her home--was once but a sanctuary for her. Lost in the Wandering Wood surrounding Thraakol, she was found by seekers and nursed back to health under their care. What she thought would be a temporary stay became a long-lasting one, and she even bought her own land and became a seeker herself under the teachings of the seeker that had found her.

Soon, however, the Agrathorians laid siege to the nation, killing all regardless of whether they resisted or resigned. Thraakol had saved Saire, and she intended to in turn save Thraakol. She left to garner warriors from her homeland to fight on behalf of her home, but they were not moved by her plight. On returning, Saire was met with a kingdom not her own; the land was now under Agrathorian dominion. Worse yet, the Thraakolians considered Saire a traitor for "fleeing" in their hour of need. She is seen as a pest to Agrathorians and a traitor to Thraakolians, but even under threat of scorn or even murder she continues to seek out those in the forest and protect them.