Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:


WARNING: the following pages may contain spoilers from various media. They are excluded as best as possible from concise summaries, but avoid reading the bios of certain fandom characters in detail if you want to avoid knowing more.

No bigotry of any kind, pedos, incest, non-con, mishandling & romanticizing of any serious issue. These are my hard boundaries. I genuinely don't care if you wear proship or anti as a badge of honor, if you are into any of those, looking for any of those, my content isn't for you. I don't have time to argue about these things, I'll just block.

This is a +18 space, and with that said, every character I depict in any manner of NSFW way is a consenting, of age adult. I tag NSFW art and leave out vivid details, but I can't promise there won't be certain mature themes present in some bios. I like dark fantasy, twisted romances, and the stories I write or build often contain heavy topics or elements of horror, some building on personal experiences, some purely fictive between made-up characters.  
If any of the following themes might bother you, feel free to click off, or just avoid characters in the Shadowfell and Corvia folders especially.
Themes include, but are not limited to:
- violence
- alcohol
- physical or emotional abuse
- mental illness
- cult activity
- mentions of sex/sex work
- artistic/mild gore/body horror
- kinks/fetishes, such as BDSM, knifeplay, monster x humanoid, bloodplay, etc.

- Do not reference or copy my characters. Do not use them in any way without my permission.

- Avoid leaving inappropriate comments or RP with any of my characters without an invitation. I am not looking for RP partners at the moment.

- None of my characters are for sale.

Please note your consent will be stored in cookies until your session is closed.

No thanks!