Coel Aeker



Crocodile hybrid - a cross between the Yacare Caiman and the Tomistoma. Was a result of governmental splicing experiment to create a "supercreatures" that could fight in WWIII instead of human soldiers.

  • The Tomistoma has a slender build and is a fairly muddy shade of green. This enables camouflage and would let the hybrid scurry quickly across no-man's land, as well as being agile enough to bounce back quickly during combat.
  • The Yacare has quite a bulky build and has strong, thick teeth and jaws. This allows for the hybrid to deliver a strong bite to its attackers and allows it to use its tail as a heavy weapon or a shield. Its thick-skin also prevents bullet penetration, meaning that the Croc Hybrid 07000X is the perfect weapon and is highly unlikely to die in battle.
The more we move forward with supercreatures and abandon the use of metal tanks, guns, and using up human resources, the stronger we become. If we can develop these supercreatures to overpower our enemies, then anything is possible.

Begin the experimentation.

Background & History:

A result of governmental experimentation, Coel initially was just referred to as "Subject CH07894X", evidenced by the permanent tattoo inscribed on his belly. The CH07000X series were a new breed of half-crocodile, half-machine hybrids that were said to 'have it all'. They needed training, of course, to develop their powers, and routine surgeries to implement gadgets - but not as much as their CH06060Y and CH05250Z counterparts, who had been over-developed and overly operated upon to the point that they were more machine than supercreature. That was a mistake that the professors and scientists vowed to never make again.

No, the CH07000X series was meant to be more animal-like, less synthetic. One of the scientists had joked - "Maybe we should make them more like Pokemon. They aren't part-machine." - and that was that. Everyone had been sold on the idea - so natural analytics it was.

The initial batch of spliced CH07000Xs came out horrendous. The vials and cylinders keeping their foetus' growing broke, or their bodies became swollen and exploded. The Super Project must have lost about 250-odd hybrids from the failures of the splicing genes. If you have seen the film, Splice, then you would be aware of how awful such 'progress' was. It was only when the human gene was isolated from volunteers that the hybrid projects began to grow and develop as they should, without the need for machinery keeping them alive - a drawback of the CH06060Y and CH05250Z series.

Subject CH07894X was part of a successful litter that were less synthetic than all the others combined. It appeared there was a breakthrough - finally, maybe the CH07890 litters would be the ultimate path to success! Yet, the Subject in question failed to grow much bigger than an apple in the first week - whereas all its CH siblings had already reached the size of a big chihuahua in that time. Still, the scientists stayed patient and waited - perhaps he had had a slow start? They had some slow bloomers - but no one dared mention where the slow bloomers went. Only Professor Critchley knew the full extent of where the slow bloomers were sent to.

Nevertheless, the Subject failed to continue to grow at a rate of its counterparts. In the first month it was the size of a small dog, and all of its other CH07890X and CH07900X series litters were starting to get to the size of a Shetland pony. The Subject was too small for surgeries, when it was already of age. The scientists did try to do the bigger surgeries with little success, and ultimately, it was decided that it would be sent to the slow bloomer squad.

(Little did everyone know, that Professor Alice Maglintski and Professor Jeremy Wamsmik had decided that this tiny subject did not deserve the same fate of the other slow bloomers. They eventually teamed up and brought the Subject with them, wanting to take it with them to their shared home, perhaps to try and let it grow and develop naturally. Everything deserves a life. They smuggled it to their car, and clocked out for the day. They thought they had been successful - they would bring it home, let it live in their garage with the field as space for it to grow, and no one would be none the wiser. But, they failed to consider that - of course, Professor Critchley found out, straight away in fact. A chase ensued, and the box with the Subject was flung out of the car when no one was looking. The scientists never did recover the Subject, having been too distracted chasing the traitors. Of course, they were executed in the end. Their story ends here, unfortunately. They were the only professors who truly cared for any of the subjects. Alas, they are no more.)

After all this, the Subject was found, dumped, near a gutter on the streets of [XXX], covered in the remnants of some sort of plasma and evidence of a fight, judging from its scars and bleeding wounds. [X] and [Y] did not know of its story, but they could see it needed urgent help - it looked like it was suffering from near-blindness. They rushed it home to [Z], who, though shocked, asked no questions and fixed up the Subject there and then.

And that is how Coel Aeker was ultimately christened, ultimately found a home. For the time being, at least.

The [...] family tended to Coel for many years, letting him scurry about in the garden that had it's own salt-water pool. It wasn't until six years had passed and he was discovered by the Super Project team that Coel was once more ripped away from the only people he could consider his family, and forcibly placed under the Super Project's care again.

God. The surgeries as an adult Croc Hybrid were horrific.

[Then he is sent to war. Tie in stuff about his genes being spliced from humans - maybe he comes face to face with someone who volunteered their genes and they have some sort of connection? Side effect that the Super Project did not consider and leads to their ultimate downfall. Also need to come up with creatures from the old series - half croc, half machine. Team up to take down Super Project and Professor Critchley, who has become an evil overlord!]

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