Lazarus, Lethe



6 years, 6 months ago


INFO: ---

Name:     Lazarus, Lethe

    Nickname:           Leau  (Pronounced: "Louis"/"Loo")

    Age:             14

   Gender:           Male

Sexuality:       Greysexual

Favourite Color:           Grey

    Powers:      Water based

Personality/Lore: ---

Leau seldom speaks and is soft-spoken, often replying with soft words, grunts, sighs or gasps. He is quiet as he is timid/gentle and is quick to hide when he see's potential danger or unknown stranger's approach. He is also masterful in using water magic as he is a powerful water deity.  From slowly healing wounds to being able to flood entire valley's; he is a being that is usually sought after by farmers or adventurers who wish to ask him for blessed rains or to return water to withered lands.

He is fairly easy to scare, and when frightened, he will fly away and disguise himself as a rain-cloud in the sky; continuously hiding for a number of days. Farmer's have shared a multitude of ways on how to approach/summon him without scaring him away to many adventurers who seek him. A few of many ways would be planting a blue orchid, placing a bag of flower seeds or a watering can on the ground and placing a make-shift bird nest on a tree. Which must be done within his territory. Those who wish to duel him, need only place a dagger on top of a flat rock in his clearing. If a challenger wins a duel against him, Leau will give them a rainstone that allows the user to summon rain whenever they please without having to visit him, however the stone will dissolve after a certain amount of time. If they lose, Leau will wash them away from his territory and disappear from anywhere between a week up to several months. Because of this, very few challenge him as they fear he will hide away during a time of drought.

Items: ---

A cloud halo and a stick (etc)

(Adopted from TytoTuesday)