
6 years, 6 months ago


Crayon (kran)

"Yes. Yes! A million times yes!"

Persistent . Quarrelsome . Resourceful

Crayon is a toy poodle mongrel who insists she's kin to some kind of dragon. She refuses to elaborate any further, instead taking offense to the inquirer's doubts. Then again, Crayon always seems to have an opinion opposite to her company's own, so it wouldn't be a surprise to discover she makes such claims in hopes of stirring up some drama. Can you blame her, though, when life grows so dull? Nevertheless, Crayon manages to keep a clear head and is able to throw herself into her work.

Crayon knows what she wants from life and is committed to learning everything to clear the path to success. Crayon was always taught that dreams become reality through hard work and dedication, but so far, her efforts have yet to amount to anything. Patience can only run for so long, and as her's wears thin, Crayon has grown brittle around the edges.