Magic Tower



2 years, 2 months ago


The Magic Tower

The home of magicians, the Magic Tower is located in the center of the Ocealari continent. Slightly secretive, only those taken in as students to current magicians are allowed in the Tower and most of the magicians do not leave. As such, the Tower can be considered to be its separate country due to how it houses almost all of the magicians (about 10% of the population) in the continent.

Many citizens are unaware of what the Tower truly does and many rumors of the Tower are spread throughout the continent. Because of their limited knowledge, they often believe any information they get about the Magic Tower. This gets worse when Altair begins to trick them with the various playful teasing he does with the information he decides to divulge.

The Magic Tower is divided into five factions:

  • Nebula
  • Fleur
  • Ignis
  • Cascade
  • Licht

Most factions are at each other's throats, however Fleur is the only faction that remains neutral due to its focus of potions, a resource that everyone uses so they try not to cross the potion makers. Despite that, faction leaders dislike how close the Fleur faction leader is close to the Nebula faction leader.

Sirius Estrella

The current Tower Master with the title Master Magician. Sirius is the leader of the Nebula faction.
Currently, the Nebula faction is the largest in the Magic Tower. The faction also focuses on astronomy, spell creation, and magic tomes.

Lamia Flores

The Master of Potions, Lamia is the leader of the Fleur faction.
The Fleur faction is the smallest faction, only due to how little people Lamia allows into the group. Most of the faction members are actually her former students in potion making and Lamia herself only got the title of leader and master from her own potion mentor.


The Ignis faction leader, Calix attempts to keep a neutral stance but is often in conflict with Owen, the Cascade faction leader.
Ignis faction focuses on creation, mainly of life.

Rue Blanc

The Licht faction leader, Rue detaches herself and the faction from the rest of the Tower. She has a personal grudge against Sirius.
Licht faction focuses on the creation of spells.

Owen Atwater

The Cascade faction leader, Owen openingly has conflicts with all factions (excluding Fleur).
Cascade faction focuses on weaponry and magic tools.

Luke Wynne

Lamia's current apprentice, Luke is regarded as one of the most promising potion makers in years alongside Altair.
He is rumored to inherit the title "Master of Potions", and possibly the faction leader title, when Lamia decides to retire.


A woman part of the Licht Faction, Euthalia is known as the Lunar Flower throughout the land.
She serves as the Licht Faction's second in command, not wanting to take the leader title for decades.


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