Diana Fritillary's Comments

Hey I hope you don’t mind me asking, but are they possibly ufo? :0 if not have a wonderful day! <3

Howdy there. They are not ufo sorry. This is a story character for the world building I'm working on.

Can I autobuy for the second autobuy?

Of course u can :,0♡

Here's my DA!


I used my older account FelixDawnWolf to send the points since that account has my points

Tysm for ABing this adopt! I really appreciate it :,D 💝

Of course!

I absolutely love the design and already have a great plan for her in my comic that I'm working on!

Oh snap hopefully I'll be able to read it one day! :0

3 Replies

Thank you so much!!!

Note : This is cross posted and I'm going to bed