


2 years, 2 months ago


"It is clear blue. It is beautiful. I love it but I may not touch it"


Name: Maco
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Species: Human
Nationality: American
Relationship: Single
Profession: Hacker


  • 1,79m tall
  • Middle-long, blue hair
  • Dark blue eyes
  • Left eye has black sclera (always covered)
  • Black Marks in Neck and under eye (v-Form)



Always friendly
Calm and mostly silent when not asked to talk
Smiles a lot

Sweets & PotatoesCrowded places
Going for walksFestivals
Going to the grocery storeBig parties
MoonlightBright summer days
The great aquarium


  • Hacking
  • Cooking
  • Little material arts
  • Climbing


Maco is very shy infront of others, lives in a little flat. Infront of others, he seems kind and he always helps everyone out. His neighbours think he earns money through designing of websites. Besides him oficially offering it online, his website is a hidden meeting point for hackers and those, who want to make use of hackers skills.
He pays the hospital stay of his granfather, who suffers of alzheimer's disease and weak lungs. He was raised by his grandfather and doesn't know about his parents, however, he doesn't care about them either and has never asked his granfather what's up with his parents. On the other hand, his grandfather has also never told him anything.

One Time Nephera, a good friend of his, asks him to do some hacking to protect Phailyn, a small Fairy, from a forseen kidnapping. He agrees, getsto know Phailyn for just a weekend and learns to love her as if she was his own little sister. He succeeds in tracking the kidnappers, however, Phailyn's kidnapping could not be stopped.
Though the team Nephera is part of made a plan to rescue her, Maco already went there herself, rescuing his "small sis" alone from the kidnappers, bringing her back home. While Maco is away to save Phailyn, his grandfather died in the hospital. Maco first noticed all the missed calls from the hospital when he arrives at Phailyn's home. To his wish, Maco was the only one attending the funeral of his only family.
Since this job, he stopped hacking illegaly and started working as a Team with Nephera and her Group. (This group is a special-forces Team for the government)


  • Maco got raised by his grandfather and never knew his parents. His grandfathe rnever wanted Maco to know about his paretns but Mado actually never cared so he never did a backgroundcheck, though he would be able to
  • Maco is not his real name. Everyone calls him by the Name Maco and he has got it on his driving lisence and passport as an artist name. Not many know his real Name
  • He calls himself Maco due to his grandfather calling him like that when he got Alzheimer's disease. 'Maco' consists of the first Letters of his parents Names (MAria and COlin). His real Name is Grey Heavendoor.
  • He visits his grandfather in hospital every day in the morning from 5am to 7am
  • Maco cannot swim and would never even touch salty water with the tips of his feed. Despite that he loves the sea and visits the giant aqarium or breaks in there. This is favorite hacking place too.
  • His whole neighbourhood things he is a student at university. They all know him in a positive way since he always helps out the old people (e.g. going shopping with/for them)
  • He lives in an own flat in a 3-floor building at the 2nd floor. The building contains 9 flats
  • He normally has to wear glasses but does not like them, so he uses lenses or walks around with his bad eyesight