The Toon (Info dump 2)



6 months, 5 days ago


How the toon got his powers:

The toon wasn’t always a living cartoon, he used to be a living human being named John Smith. some average run of the mill shmuck, a nobody. Working as an accountant for a business, with a small dream. Being a cartoonist, he spent hours slaving over comics, cartoon pitch ideas, you name it. But no avail, nothing worked in his favor. He got let go at his job, hopeless he needed a new job taking anything. He applied and was hired quickly to be a night shift security at an old run down factory. One night working at that factory with his latest work in his little sketchbook in his back pocket and his lucky pen in hand, he wondered the factory. That night with an uncanny slapstick of unfortunate events had occurred. Due to the darkness of the factory and the poor lighting provided the crappy flashlight given to John. He didn’t see the banana peel infront of him. Causing him to slip backwards his body into poorly and kinda ironically stacked barrels of chemicals, trying to get his baring and his head spinning he grabbed onto whatever to keep himself steady, grappling conveniently placed rope he pulled causing the chain reaction of the top most barrel to topple over and spill onto this poor man, the chemicals mixing into that pen ink and the most recent work, this man became his most recent creation, the toon
More ramble on him: Before the accident he always wanted to be a cartoonist, was extremely talented at art, from cartoons to realism,
This accident happened in 1993 when he was 32, now we are present day he’s stuck at the age of 32 unable to age,
His vision is permanently altered viewing the world he sees as a cartoon like himself, giving him a different perspective how to handle situations, but due to this, he is forgetting what real life was like, everything being altered. Only thing unaffected by this is art work ‘ drawings so that’s only thing he has left to view the world how it truly is He sadly forgets himself, what his previous job was let alone his name, he resorted to writing it down in a journal along with a portrait of his old self before the accident