


2 years, 1 month ago



Clockworker Gold

" All I ever wanted was for my kits to be safe, and I won't let you blame me for that. "
ORIENT. Bisexual
AGE 315 (45) yrs
BIRTHDAY 7/5/1702
REALM SPEC. Daydreamer
SPECIES Fennec fox

Clockworker is a quiet and gentle giant with a huge tendency to protect and defend. His large build and excellent fighting technique comes from years of training as one of the realm deputies, having trained harder than others due to his leader's conditions and expectations. Although blunt and intimidating, he no longer serves anyone as a deputy and simply prefers serving his family as a father instead.


Compassionate / Bitter

Cow is a big family man and is incredibly affectionate with his family and friends. He is very protective, going great lengths to keep his family in safe paws. He's very respectful and will usually keep a serious tone when talking to strangers especially those in power. He is always willing to recognize when an apology is due.

Despite such a laidback and friendly nature, Cow has a temper for a few things that can frustrate him easily. He suffers from Bi-Polar and often gets frustrated by small things, very rarely taking it out on anyone else he usually pouts alone. When going through different moodswings and episodes he is not one easy to soothe, not just by anyone.

likes Swimming, Cows, Fish (or just food in general), Snow, Fighting

dislikes Dogs (scared of them), Fire, Dirty spaces, Hot weather


  • Empathetic
  • Patient
  • Softspoken
  • Respectful


  • Protective
  • Passive
  • Silent
  • Blunt


  • Unpredictable
  • Vengeful
  • Aggressive
  • Stubborn

Childhood .

Clockworker was born alongside his twin sister, Milkweed. Sometime before this, Celine had received a vision of her new chosen deputy and although deputies were no longer to be chosen through visions, Celine was adamant that she was making the right choice. Clockworker's mother was reasonably unhappy having her son chosen at such a young age, with neither of them having a say so in the matter. Oliver warned Celine of her choice and told her if she weren't rational with her decisions, it would come back to bite her.

Once Clockworker opened his eyes, it was revealed he was blind. Despite this obvious obstacle, Celine proceeded with her choice and decided he would be trained twice as hard as well as giving him special training. He spent most of his childhood training and growing envious of his rival realm's deputy due to his more reasonable and better treatment.

Adolescent years .

As he continued with his training, Celine's condition's and rules grew worse as she grew more insecure of her deputy and his capability in keeping the realm safe. The realm's subjects noticed this stress and often despised their deputy as well. The more impact Celine's harsh opinion had on her own realm, the angrier Clockworker's mother became. His desperate need for peace and appreciation from his leader left him with a need to constantly please. The lack of attention and love Celine had for him only made him grow angrier.

Clockworker's patience wore thin from the mistreatment until he finally put an end to it and stood up for himself. He was exiled for this, and he never goes into specifics of what exactly he did to deserve it. But his punishment left him unsatisfied.

Adulthood (Present) .

Too many spoilers + still developing





Cow is better at taking hits than he is avoiding them, making it easier to tank hits and take out enemies one by one. In a melee fight, once someone lands a blow via direct contact, it would immediantly give away their position, making it easier for Cow to pin them out. He has a tendency to fight and if fighting for something he deems important, he will not back down easily. His experience and harsh training has prepared him for most dangerous scenarios. Although not invincible, he is highly skilled.


Although he knows decent moves to use with his claws and teeth, if he's (somehow) up against a bigger opponet, or fighting for his life, surviving will be his only goal and battle moves won't matter. Cow doesn't care whether the enemy lives or not, so the best one can do is just pray.


He lacks proper agility and speed, making him vulnerable to those that move quicker than him. Ranged attacks are also a major threat. Although one would have to be pretty sneaky to ambush him, with proper technique and speed, it could send him running. However, any fight picked with Cow unprovoked will always warrant Glitch to finish it.

Trivia .

  • He smells like lavender.
    • He's made of mink fabric, memory foam for inner protection and polyester cotton as stuffing for better hugs.
  • He can fit into comically small spaces you would least expect him to fit in. Like a cat in a glass vase.
  • When his tail puffs up (usually when scared or to look more intimidating) it looks like a spider's abdomen.

Design notes .

  • He has a white monocle marking on his right eye and an upside-down heart marking near his left ear.
  • Drawing all 6 of his arms isn't required but would be preferred.
  • He has 6 extra eyes, but they're usually always closed.
  • His 2 main eyes however, must be kept closed!! He never opens them.

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by sharkadelic | from unsplash