Raymont Gale



8 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info








March 20th, XXXX







Raymont is hyperactive, out of control and always on the move. He is desperate to find others who can keep up, staying out all night, talking, and running around, terrified to stop moving. The anxiety in his mind is, at this level, painfully loud and it takes everything he has to keep ignoring it. Raymont is a bad influence on other characters, pushing others into troublesome situations, ready to take huge risks and unwilling to do it alone.

He can turn violent against any person or system that tries to slow him down or tries to help him with the problem. He has an incorrect belief that suffering can be avoided indefinitely. When he's under pressure, he becomes rigid and self-limiting. When he's relaxed and secure, he takes time to think things through.

At work, Raymont is ambitious and can enthusiastically go after a goal without considering the downside or potential problems. When others focus on the potential problems, he can become insistent andegotistical. He’s attracted to jobs where he can be independent.

Raymont includes positive speech, bordering on manic, to put up an all-important front that everything is fine. However, the veneer is beginning to thin. He is getting tired of holding back the anxiety and will slip from time to time into a depression, a self-awareness that he is not prepared to handle. This scares him and he bounces back to mania. Also, he will lash out at those who do not join in his mania.

Others are initially drawn to his sense of adventure, but that wears thin when he lures them into dangerous and crazy situations. He will dump a friend in a second if he feels that friend is slowing him down in any way. 


Born into a low/middle class family before joining [ C L A S S I F I E D ]  during his later years of schooling. [ I N F O R M A T I O N  U N A V A I L A B L E ]. Worked as a flower trafficker until [ C L A S S I F I E D ]. Currently employed as an extortionist.


Sexual Orientation: Panromantic Asexual

Status: [ C L A S S I F I E D ]

Relationships: [ U N K N O W N ]


- Snakes
- Creampuffs
- DOING Things

- Overly salty foods
- His parents
- Sitting still


Extra Information:

  • [PARTIAL IMMUNITY] Immune to mental effects of plants; still gets (severe) rashes and itches from plants (Known to only himself).

  • [ W A R N I N G ] Prone to using excessive force.

  • Has a tattoo on right arm + Face (Image coming soon).

  • Flowers + Skull motifs on body are similar to the idea of animals that mimic dangerous things to threaten others.

  • Has a pet boomslang snake.

  • Owns a serrated, saber clip point knife.


Theme Song(s):

  • Beverly Hills by Weezer.

  • Our Lawyer Made Us Change The Name Of This Song So We Wouldn't Get Sued by Fall Out Boy.