#1800 Shun



2 years, 1 month ago


Shun Hu

Age: 33

Element: Neutral

Role: Healer

Rank: D

Skill: ????????

(Skill Description)


?????????? (Element: ???????)


?????????? (Element: ???????)


?????????? (Element: ????????)


????????? (Element: ?????????)



Power: ??

Magic: ??

Defense: ??

Magic Defense: ??

Health: ??

Speed: ???

A professional housekeeper and caretaker from Soothinne. For the longest time, Shun was stuck living in a....rather awful building in his home region, unable to afford a home that actually suited his needs. After working several home care jobs across Luneste, Shun managed to find a listing that paid very well and allowed him to live in a proper home!! The catch was....he'd have to share the home with a "certain someone" in dire need of his help. As a natural caretaker, Shun took this job without hesitation, ultimately leading him to find Yazhu, a tall, peculiar Channeler who's clearly gone through some dark times in the past. Already fully aware of Yazhu's struggles, Shun has made it his duty to become the close friend and companion Yazhu needs, doing everything he can to help him feel loved once more. In battle, Shun heals allies with caretaking techniques, capable of reviving allies, providing plenty of healing and of course, tidying up the battlefield to boost their stats! He's gotten used to Yazhu's behavior, knowing that he's not the most "normal" Channeler around! Interestingly...Shun has very sharp fangs!