Cornelius Ardicus Furrline



2 years, 2 months ago


Character bought from @rinlinart (via Twitter)
2 characters for $300

Class: Mage (Wizard) / Berserker Warrior (Barbarian)

Background: Nomad with a History

Height: 6´8 (203,2 cm)


Hailing from a strange and distant land, wandering tabaxi are catlike humanoids driven by curiosity to collect interesting artifacts, gather tales and stories, and lay eyes on all the world's wonders. Ultimate travelers, the inquisitive tabaxi rarely stay in one place for long. Their innate nature pushes them to leave no secrets uncovered, no treasures or legends lost.


-Darkvision: Can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. Can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
-Feline Agility: Reflexes and agility allow to move with a burst of speed. Can double his speed in need.
-Cat Claws: Because of his claws, his climbing speed of 20 feet. In addition, claws are natural weapons, which he can use to make unarmed strikes.
-proficiency in the Perception and Stealth skills.
-competent swimmer and climber as well as a speedy runner. Has a good sense of balance and an acute sense of smell.

Mage powers: 
Spellcasting. The mage is a 9th-level spellcaster. Spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with  spell attacks). The mage has the following wizard spells prepared:

• Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, light, mage hand, prestidigitation
• 1st level (4 slots): detect magic, mage armor, magic missile, shield
• 2nd level (3 slots): misty step, suggestion
• 3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, fireball, fly
• 4th level (3 slots): greater invisibility, ice storm
• 5th level (1 slot): cone of cold

Personality Traits:

  1. Curiosity: Cornelius has an insatiable curiosity about the world and its secrets, often getting drawn to new places and knowledge.
  2. Reserved: The events of his past have made him guarded, and he tends to keep his emotions and the details of his history to himself.
  3. Fierce: In battle, Cornelius channels the intensity of his Blood Stalker nature, becoming a fierce and formidable warrior.

Background Feature: Wanderer

Excellent memory for maps and geography, and can always recall the general layout of terrain, settlements, and other features around.


  • Arcana: Proficient in the arcane arts, Cornelius has a deep understanding of magical forces.
  • Survival: Developed through his nomadic lifestyle, he's adept at surviving in various environments.


  • Mage Skills: Cornelius has a repertoire of spells, using his magical abilities for offense, defense, and utility.
  • Blood Stalker Rage: When in battle, his Blood Stalker instincts take over, enhancing his strength, speed, and combat prowess.


  • Mage Robes: Comfortable and adorned with mystical symbols.
  • Enchanted Dagger: A gift from his human friend, a magical dagger that serves as both a weapon and a focus for his spells.
  • Map and Journal: Keeps detailed records of his travels, including maps and tales of the places he's visited.


Cornelius is a sleek and agile Tabaxi with fur that resembles the warm sands and tropical forests of his home. His eyes carry a mixture of curiosity and reserved wisdom. Scars on his back are a silent testament to a painful past.


Once part of a small Tabaxi clan, Cornelius's life took a tragic turn when his human mage friend was killed in an ambush. Left without a family, he became a nomad, exploring the world to learn and evolve. The events of his past have made him reserved, but his fierce nature emerges in battle, fueled by the Blood Stalker within.

Roleplaying Hooks:

  1. Quest for Knowledge: Cornelius seeks ancient and arcane knowledge to understand the mysteries of the world.
  2. Guarded Emotions: He rarely speaks of his past, and any mention of his previous clan or the human mage elicits a guarded response.
  3. Nomadic Wanderer: As a wanderer, he is always on the lookout for tales and tails of interesting places and creatures.


About Tabaxi

Tabaxi were a reclusive people who often avoided interaction with other intelligent races. However, as each tabaxi possessed a specific feline trait, some had an innate curiosity that compelled them to travel and seek out stories,  artifacts, new experiences and knowledge, never remaining in the same place or obsessing over the same piece of lore for too long.

In general, tabaxi did not care for wealth, but they had an almost obsessive interest in ancient artifacts, relics and magic items, but not for the items themselves, as much as the stories and secrets they held. Once an item had been thoroughly examined and studied, and its secrets revealed, it would lose its allure and the tabaxi would quickly lose interest and pass it on.

Not all tabaxi were motivated by curiosity to leave their homeland, however. Some found safer ways to satisfy their fleeting obsessions by becoming traveling minstrels and tinkers, often accepting interesting objects and stories as payment for their services.

Tabaxi were exceptional hunters and utilized these skills in combat. Speed and stealth combined with their natural camouflage meant that tabaxi were particularity skilled at surprise attacks. Tabaxi were even known to disguise their scent with aromatic herbs. Their hunting skills and intelligence made them formidable tacticians.  Groups would often drive prey into ambushes, sometime playing with their doomed foe before killing them. Tabaxi clans did have berserker warriors within them, these were known as blood-stalkers.

For weapons, tabaxi favored bolas, slings, macas, and javelins with atlatl.  These weapons would often be made from wood, bone or stone. Tabaxi were just as likely to use weapons as they were to use their claws and teeth. Their preference of simple weapons was not due to a lack of capability. Tabaxi were quite capable of adapting to new technology or salvaged weapons.

Due to their knowledge of hunting, intelligence and sense of smell, it was practically impossible to trap a tabaxi.

Tabaxi society was built around clans. Clans were split evenly between males and females with 3 to 12 young. Each clan had several. Hunts each made up of two to eight individuals. The Hunts patrolled the area around the clan's lair.

Although tabaxi lairs were sometimes just temporary, they were more often small villages of ramadas. Each ramada was built from wooden poles with grass roofs.

Clans were led by elders. About half of the time, leaders were aided by shamans.  Clans tended to avoid each other and did not engage in trade. Tabaxi considered trade to be demeaning but in rare instances would use third party agents to trade for them.

When the tabaxi started wandering out of their homeland of Maztica, rumors followed about strange happenings there, but the tabaxi themselves said little about them.


The Tabaxi language was an ancient form of the Payit language. Those who spoke modern Payit and knew what to listen for could usually understand about half of the Tabaxi words they heard. It was completely unrelated to the Tabaxi language of the Tabaxi tribe of Chult.


Most clans worshiped Tezca, Nula, or (rarely) Azul. A minority of clans owed their allegiance to a jaguar lord. In this instance, Zaltec was the dominant deity of the tribe.

The creator figure in the tabaxi pantheon was the Cat Lord, a fickle and tricky entity who bestowed each tabaxi with a specific feline trait and was believed to wander the world, watching over them.

Interracial Relations

Tabaxi had few enemies and only the most degenerate clans would attack members of other intelligent species without good reason.


Tabaxi were sometimes hunted for their pelts. Each pelt could be sold for up to 50 gp. Hishna shapers could use tabaxi skin and claws to enhance their strength. Young tabaxi could be sold on the black market for around 225 gp.

Because of the black market and slave trade that brought them to Faerûn,  some tabaxi made the jungles of Chult their home after escaping captivity. Tabaxi minstrels primarily lived in and around Port Nyanzaru, but hunters roamed the entire peninsula.

Despite what you know of Tabaxi (now)., this young feline was a lil more "different" than most Tabaxi that would lose interest in something once studied. Or wanting to remain longer in a place.
Mages spend their lives in the study and practice of magic. Good-aligned mages offer counsel to nobles and others in power, while evil mages dwell in isolated sites to perform unspeakable experiments without interference.
This Tabaxi is a very skilled one as he learned by himself after the incident-.



Warm sands, tropical forests, water nearby. That is the home of this Tabaxi.
This curious feline had started out "small" as he had his small clan and with a human (they had taken in and cared for) who helped them along the way. This human was a mage. While the young fierce Cornelius had his energy and being pretty fierce and wild, having the Blood Stalker within him. Making him (as a 7 year old) one of the most skilled (and dangerous) kids. The human mage took him aside to show and teach him. Which caught the one´s eyes as he let his curiosity lean in and learn.
Over time he learned to control his aggression and his Blood Stalker self. Getting more invested in magic as he aquired the skill himself. Getting a dagger gifted from the human mage and learning along. Age 9 as he got better. While things got more intense... The former friends of the humanmage found him and.. fate struck. While Tabaxi were intelligent to not get trapped, the group of the former human used Orcs and anything to attack them. Catching them and killing the human mage infront of the young Tabaxi who had befriended him. Making the upcoming scenery emotional heavy.
He doesn´t speak of what had happened. He has scars on his back from the day and has no longer the clan or family.
Not speaking of it, leaving the former home and making his way (early on) to learn and to evolve as much as possible.
Beeing a Nomad with History. Loves tails/tales of places



As a Tabaxi Mage who has a "Berserker Warrior/ Blood Stalker" within him, he wanders around as he planned to make another world tour on (any other world as well) Fabula  (after have rested for a year in a lovely home he calls "safe Haven") with a female who took him in, knowing of his past. 

While wary of others, he is still curious to learn more of others and items. Has a smooth way of talking, very intelligent wise and will most likely avoid fighting. (fights and Blood trigger his instincts as well as the Blood Stalker within him. Along with emotional connection. Should anyone get deeply harmed he cares for, he can get mad)

He starts at the Inn after a good meal and room where the adventure begins alongside his trusty friend, pyro goblin. 


To him personally:

Cornelius enjoys to tinker at times as well.
A very soft spoken and wise Tabaxi who can handle a joke or two and is fun to learn with. His voice is easily calming and relaxing to listen to and making it so that what you wish to know, won´t turn out like school but more like reading a story and wanting to know more about. Very patient with teaching as well once you get to know him more. 

The "Blood stalker" (berserker mode?) within him is his most feral side. Berserker Warrior (Blood Stalker) and would sometimes play with his doomed foe before killing them (this was in the past though heavily) This feral side of him brings the brute and a tank side of him. Making it have advantage if needed. Hard to calm him down though, there are ways to get this feral beast calm as he was before. (Some techniques have been proven amazing)- like music/singing or playing, stroking his ear or grabbing him by the neck like a mother would with her kitten..if you get that close

So far had that modus due to
-humanmage friend who got killed infront of him (He was 9)
-Pepper being seriously harmed and alost dead (protecting her and rage)

Later for story he teams up with a groupfriend named Eustus. Someone who is in control later of his raging moments to a certain point. Cornelius does get a lil control on it, but when it turns out in a "Bloodfest" and those enemies better tuck in their heals because this Tabaxi can be brutal.
When in control later on, only using if really needed. Glasses off, clothings to a point off and into feral mode. Blood triggers it more. He had a new idea for this while in Beastmode. Since he does magic, when going in his feral bloodhunter side, blood trails along him (from who he scratched to attack, needs only a lil to trigger his beastside)
Attacking then he will be in foe mode. Toying around like a savage cat to a mouse before killing and devouring.
Cornelius see´s this side as another deeper and darker side of him. He becomes fully sarcastic, brutal in his words and fierce. To a point you d never think this was the same loving feline. His bloodhunter mode increases strength, claws, fangs and strength become stronger for that moment of attack. (His fangs/Teeth would bite through a blade if in strong mode) Precise, accurate in killing and making sure those are "punished" Better to stop him from eating the enemy or it increases. Despite the disgust he will later have.

Getting him out of that moment, requires a lil bit on skills. From music (Singing, playing), herbs (plants can calm him down or scents) to getting on his side to stroke specific areas (like neck, belly or ear) or pinching the back of his neck (like a momma cat holding her baby) to get him to snap out of it. He would need a bit on calming as his body would shake, sitting down and seeing the fur going from spiked to fluffy and knowing he will be himself. He ll have a massive headache after a few hours (so a good catnap/sleep is needed. As well as a good meal. He will remember parts of it (if in too long, can quite often forget what just happened)

Inspo vids for his feral side:

Black Lagoon AMV Freak Like Me - YouTube
Black Lagoon AMV - Bang Bang by Hollywood Undead - YouTube
Wolf In Sheep's Clothing - Percy De Rolo AMV (Legend of Vox Machina) - YouTube

The idea of his Bloodhunter mode gives for a later scenery where he is partly stuck in and others have to find a way to get him back to normal.



Collectionwise, Cornelius doens´t loose interest in things he get´s (from trade, gifted or purchase wise) and keep´s them in top shape. Always returns to remember or go through again. He cherishes it to most best. 

He has a passion for plants as well as flowers (Nature is part) and has a small lil garden in his Dimensional pocket with his room and belongings. The dimensional bag was gifted by a dragon whom he helped get better by healing and plants. it is like a bag of holding but was magically enhanced,. Making it super easy to transport things. It act´s like a magical room.
The lil home he carries around is a small bag like (bag on his hipbelt)
A possession Cornelius truly treasures with all that is inside is from his past and now.
When in use (when he is inside) the dimensional bag will have a soft mint glow

To enter
taking his hipbag off, placing it on the ground and muttering a few words, it expands and opens like a lil door where he goes through, shrinking down and camoflauges like a big flower (best for hiding).

As a supportive feline, Cornelius will try and help where he can. As a soft spoken teacher, he explains things easier and not boring like a standard teacher would. He cares for others dearly and will protect once closed in his furry heart. It does take a while until he fully trusts someone, but give him time and you can soon see this Tabaxi as a good friend for life.

(inspired by "Ben mouse air bound- Gavin"Air Bound Trailer starring YouTubers Nash Grier, Jimmy Tatro, iJustine - YouTube the white mouse) on how he carries himself and talks. (also taps on his glasses)

You can usually see his mood at times observing his tail or ears. 

Like any feline, can get distracted by string/wool, movements or specific smells. 

Along the way of "feline instincts" this Tabaxi also has... "The Zoomies" if for some reason he hasn t done enough walking=excersing, small parkour or similiar, he will stand still, twitch one of his ear and suddenly go in "goblinferal mode" much to dismay of anything or anyone close by. (Yes even in a store or shop) jumping off anything he can, run on all four and focused like crazy. After a while, he will stop in movement, give a short gulp, adjust his clothings, belongs, glasses on and apologize. "Not my finest moments Im afraid"

At times this Tabaxi will have a gagging moment. This usually happens 2 to 3 days after his furcleaning (yes his tongue and yes he is flexible) making his furballs upcoughing the more diagusting. Usually has a soothening goblin hand to support and stroke his back to calm him. He hates coughing it up and is disgusted himself by it. 


He and a few have a common enemy later in story: -The Beast Cook-
As this one not only ate one son of his friend Pepper, but also almost ate him. A feared enemy who only hunts, kills and eat´s all non humans (As he comes from earth and changed his way of cooking in general). got his hands on a cheops stone that makes him live longer.


Meeting the Piroman Goblin "Pepper"

An "unlikely duo" one might say and see.
While stumbling upon the ship which turned out to be that of a pirateship, he met the energetic Goblin. Joining her and the crew as well as her later on as she had her firepowers and all along.

Their stumbling together was quite a scenery. And he just wanted to lecture some scaley ones. But got him into more trouble than he thought.

With Pepper, later on adventures together got them the name "moonpepper" (since his nickname is Moonie and hers is Pepper) the duo are pretty fierce and amazing together in battle. Of course having ups n downs but holding together no matter what 

Their scenerys and all
-Pepper knitting something for one of her kids as Moonie spots the strin, plays and ends up tangled in it
-Pepper fishing while a playful and hungry Tabaxi catches in midair up high
-having the small goblin gal on his shoulder like a happy kid, later getting fitting clothing to support the compfy weight
-giving backrubs and rubs in general can be rewarding
-gets a tad nervous whenever she uses her fire but gets fireproof clothing to be close



-Not a fear of heights but flying in a ship isn´t his favourite thing to do. Certain amounts of heights do get him flustered.
-While he can swim good, he just doens´t want his fur to get wet (takes ages)
-High knowledge in alot (loves plants and flowers)
-Has travelled all around of Fabula and decided to travel again to see how time has passed by and redo his maps and infos.
-disguises his scent with herbs and is excellent in surprise attacks (Would suddenly stand behind you, leaning down to speak softly and smile)
-formidable tactician
-homeland of Maztica
-can speak ancient and modern Payit
-Takes great care of his fur and himself and get´s very wary if someone stares at it too long or wants to pet him (has his reasons)
-cloak around once belonged to the human mage who taught him how to use the powers (even if old and small, he would never leave alone)
-glasses are part magical and uses to analyse and see alot better than he does now (work like scanners, binochulars in day and night)
-Book belonged to the human mage as well as he carries it around
-Has a bag of holding (pouch) combined with dimensional Bag (which is behind his hipbag) he has all his possessions within.
-can purr (like any other feline) and does these out of various reasons
-blushes when complimented dearly
-can´t hold his drink and begins to be a full on drunk usually after a full glass of beer or alcohol (can´t hold it much) Would brabbel and be all cuddly near the next person after drunk. Or if kept on drinking, would get in a drunk fistfight properly.
-Knows how to dance
-get´s pretty flustered on 18+ topics. He knows the ways by mind and reading, just never experienced it (same as never been kissed before but pssst)
-get´s his ears and tail up when hearing "pss pss psss" as if a calling. Tends to miau back
-Collects books among other things as well (some would call him a wandering horder) he would trade for the right item though.
-tends to cuss (rarely) and says "Kashjit" (as if it were a cussword) as well as "oh kittylitter"
-when thinking, tends to hold his chin and lean in. Enjoys tales and stories
-True to "feline" Lore, having 9 Lives is in his blood. You can see the marks on his body (vary color to seperate from his usual stripes) to see how many lives he has had.
-hooked easily on stories and tales
-values things he has unlike some other Tabaxi, he does have a lil "nifty paw" and can tend to steal things unintentionally "Oh this??I uh.. Have no idea but you need it right?"
-get´s distracted with laserpointers (similiar things) or even catnip (a drugtype that one can purchase)
-even if it is stated, he doesn´t belive in ghosts (well never seen one) as he does later get afraid of them and later discusses with a necromancer why not to mess with the dead
-Finds sewing things (like garn) fascinating And will in feline manner, paw at it and play.
-boxes (when empty) are fascination for him and will sudenly stand in one, questioning why. A stare blink to whoever looks and goes down "my fortress"
-his tail and ears show his mood when he is not speaking
-has no idea on fashionsense and feels dumb if he takes too long to find a fitting clothing type.
-hates rainy weather


9 Lives, 9 Strives "curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back"
"the world is full of lies.. even in correction. So do your own research"
Is what Cornelius or "Moonie" would say, as he first lost his one life.
Or in a matter of sense.. On his body (chest are) will be darker marks, almost like big claw marks, that will show after losing a life. As if a giant catmonster had clawed over. This is a symbol of his lives. The more you see, the more lives this feline has lost. He has a tale for every line he has. For story purpose, will include them below:


But for the moment, if he should die, for whatever reason, his body lays on the ground for the next 7minutes. It takes a while and he will wake up, restoring his body as it magically happens and will have a headache for a week. The mark will appear on his chest after revived. No matter what reason of death, or how, he will return.
One can´t "just steal his soul"as it is owed by the "catgod" so tails/tales say.


Cornelius is a wandering book of knowledge and if he doesn´t know something, he will look it up or ask.
While he knows that Goblins can/could work with worgs/wolves, he is extremeley allergict to Wolves (this goes for wolves all sorts, werewolf, hybrids, etc) noone knows why but he keeps to sneeze when there are some near him.

Loves to dive dungeons more than gathering the trinkets (well. he tends to scoop it up and loves the adventure the trinket comes with it)
Alot of chaotic nature and most likely up to anything if it makes for a compelling adventure.

Clanname: Geological feature of crescent moon as well as his Homename: Usually asdtrological- "moonie" as his nickname-As he also tends to stargaze and sit relaxed and peacefully as if rethinking, calming down. "Whiskered Warlock"is something someone had called him once, not knowing this Tabaxi can use magic.

It may take a while to get used to others, but this Tabaxi can be fiercley protecive over someone when he likes them. Usually standing close to the other or helping with anything. Even letting them sleep on his fur or cuddle up in rare situations. His fur can get super warm n cosy.
Has his "daily" routines and groom´s himself (brushes do the trick too) where he can get alot of "old fur" (his fur grows fast after a day or two) the old fur can be used to sew or make into clothings for padding and warmth, one must ask him first as he usually would store it in his  "fur-bag" in his bag of holding room.


Open to any type of love. Very loyal and protective over those he loves and cares for. Knowledge wise knows alot about "that" topic, just hasnt experienced it yet. 
