


2 years, 2 months ago


Fourn / Fournos


This fox was born a beautiful red-haired creature. But with each passing day she became more and more disappointed with herself and society. One day she found a house, she was very curious, and climbed in through the window. It was the forester's house. The forester spotted the fox and threw at her what was at hand the sharpest thing he had, a fork. She managed to run away and hide, but the fork hit her, injuring her neck. From that day on, she grew more grey from depression every day until she was almost completely grey. The only thing she has left "coloured" is the white tip of her tail. It gives her a ray of hope that soon, she can regain her colour. And until it turns grey - there will be hope in this seemingly hopeless little vixen. Hope to find someone who will understand her? Or hope to find love again? Not even she knows that. Nor does anyone know why she wears a microwave on her head? Why is she wearing forks?

Maybe it's just because she doesn't want anyone to see her like that? Or because she's afraid to look at her reflection in the river? Nobody knows...