
2 years, 2 months ago


Pau Tori
17 yrs

Having a peacock harpy as a father Pau have grown up feeling if not looking like a peacock. They are quirky and will banter with you when they feel comfortable around you. 


Pau Tori is a nonbinary half harpy born with peacock feathers on their head but sadly no wings. 

This is something that haunts them which is why they are mostly always seem with a shawl with the pattern

of a peacock's tail around their shoulders. They are quite chatty and will banter with everybody they are

comfortable around. 

Full name: Pau Tori 

Birthday: August 4 2005 (Leo) 

Gender: Nonbinary 

Sexuality: Pansexual 

Romanticism: Pansexual 


  • Hanging out with friends 
  • Social media 
  • Their shawl 
  • Confusing others by singing along to a song in a different language 
  • Ukuleles (big bonfire mood and also aesthetic pleasing to them) 


  • Too tight clothes 
  • Beauty standards 
  • People not able to joke around 
  • Big dogs 
  • Not being able to fly 
  • Boredom 


  • The name Pau is inspired by various languages and their way to say 'peacock' 
  • Pau's eyebrows is inspired by Joe Locke, a british actor known from Heartstopper 
  • At first I wanted Pau to have wings and a peacock's tail but it didn't work with their design so I gave them the shawl instead and made them half peacock. 
  • Starting out as a crack ship Pau (in a AU) is seen dating Edric Blight from The Owl House 
  • Pau has heterochromia but in a different way than most of my other characters with this trait; their heterochromia show as a bit of green in the bottom of both their eyes 


"Who doesn't want hanging out with people? People are great!"

Pau is a bobbly half harpy that is probably a bit too addicted to their social media. They are almost always being loud and silly but in a very endearing way. Having them banter with you and fool around is a sign that they feel comfortable around you, and since this is their default state of being it seems they are quite comfortable around people generally.

Being born without wings or a tail that normally are trademarks of a peacock Pau is often seen wearing a shawl instead that they can fold out making the impression of a peacock's tail if they need to feel closer connected to their heritage as a peacock harpy.

They are quite good with younger children yet often stumble over themselves if they need to be formal or polite in a too mature setting. They are not very great at school subjects instead finding their strength in subjects about caring for other people and creatures.


  • Bobbly 
  • Comfortable around others 
  • Have the people 'smarts' 
  • Good around children 
  • Goofy 
  • Fashionable 


  • Loud 
  • Personality demands all the attention in the room 
  • Insecure about lack of wings and tail 
  • Addicted to social media 
  • Not booksmart 
  • Bad at acting 'mature' 


  • Hanging out with friends 


  • Fun nights out 
  • Karaoke (if duets) 
  • Telling and listening to stories 
  • Complimenting others (sincerely) 
  • Irl and internet banter 
  • Ruffling their plumage (makes them feel very peacock which they like) 
  •  Introvert   Extrovert 

  •  Intuitive   Observant 

  •  Thinking   Feeling 

  •  Judging   Prospecting 

  •  Assertive   Turbulent 


art by Isi-Daddy


  •  Hair Color   Purple 

  •  Eye Color   Red and mint green 

  •  Skin Color   Light tan 

  •  Height   5,9'' (175 cm) 

  •  Clothing Style   Casual but fashionable 

  •  Skinny   Large 

  •  Curvy   Tall 

  •  Fat   Muscular 

  •  Groomed   Messy 

Pau is of middle height with a light tan skintone and purple hair that grows a bit lighter at the tips. It is cut short and behind their ear five peacock feathers are growing upwards creating what Pau calls their 'plumage'. They are muscular build yet lean, often wearing loose fitting pants and cropped shirts so to show their navel. On their neck tiny white and brown feathers are sticking out. 

What is most significant about Pau tho is their face: they have very tightknit eyebrows that, if not mantained, will grow into a unibrow. Their eyes have yellow whites and red eyes with a bit of green heterochromia in each of them. The eyelashes are very short almost invisible on top of their eyes but grows long under them giving Pau their significant three bottom lashes under each eye. They also have purple markings following each eye. Their nose is straight and small and they have bucked front teeth. 

They often wear a shawl with a peacock pattern over their arms. 

Design Notes

  • Pay attention to the eyes, lashes and brows - the eyes have bits of heterochromia, the brows are close together and almost a unibrow and they have three lashes under their eyes - all this is obligatory 
  • Their plumage is always standing up and grows from behind their right ear 
  • They have tiny feathers on their neck 
  • While it looks like socks the black parts on their feet is meant to be boots 
  • Not shown in their reference sheet is that Pau has bucked front teeth 
  • Their faceshape is like a triangle with a sharp chin 



art by MarcooftheMoon

Xu: Friend

Another character associated with a bird, Xu shares the same bobbly personality with Pau so while they are very different in age they get along quite well 


art by MarcooftheMoon

Kaixza: Friend

Pau and Kaixza is closer in age than Kaixza's sibling Xu and Pau, and since Xu often brings Kaixza along he and Pau is also good friends. 


art by MarcooftheMoon

Iloise: Friend

Bonding over both having harpy blood and an interest to take care of others Pau and Iloise met through Kaixza, Iloise's pen friend, and the two (Pau and Iloise) became pen friends too. 


art by Disney (c)/Dana Terrace

Edric: Date

Edric and Pau have been seen hanging out together and they may or may not be dating (although this might be an AU since I am still not sure if I'll call Pau an TOH OC) 


Pau is the only child of a witch/human (depending on if it is the Owl House AU or usual canon) and a peacock harpy. Since only half their DNA is harpy they did not inherit the ability to fly or to have wings or a tail. To make up for this Pau was given a shawl with the pattern of a peacock tail that they always wear to this day. 

Pau knew early on that they were nonbinary and luckily coming from a household that had history with gender diverse persons, Pau's own father having one nonbinary and another transgender sibling, Pau was accepted and got to socially transition right away. They are still figuring out whether they want to medically transition or not. 

Pau were an easy child to get around with as a child and still is to this day. They are quite a people person always wanting to be around others which could be tiring for their parents on the days that Pau could not go out and meet their friends. When Pau was given a phone at the age of eight - which in Pau's own opinion was way too late compared to their peers - they got into social media and is now a bit too addicted to checking up on how everybody else is doing. This is both a blessing and a curse for Pau's parents since Pau now are more independent yet can seem a bit forgetful at time and locked into their own little world. 

While Pau was never bullied at school a few people in the area started commenting on their looks and their gender around 10-12 years old. Pau will tell you that it doesn't bother them yet at their most insecure days this does indeed go to their head and makes them OOC moody and sad. It helped a little when Pau met and started dating Edric, a witch around Pau's own age, since Edric always make Pau seem special, beautiful and worth hanging around. Pau also really like Edric even if he is a bit clumsy and all over the place like the time he sent a picture to their mom as an accident. The two of them are still hanging out yet Pau is not sure if they are partners or just good friends. 



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