


6 years, 6 months ago


Name: Carandol

Species: Protogen

Age: 54 Years

Created By: A young experimental biomechanic.

Created Purpose: To aid sentient life via computer application edition and placement, as well as software placement.

What Happened: The creator had minimal knowledge of Protogen but felt compelled to create one that could rid technological viruses and attackers. Despite his lack of knowledge, the Protogen, of which he fondly gave the name of Carandol, was a success. This lasted for a solid 10 years. Then one day, the internal motherboard corrupted itself. The corruption went unsought for another 20 years, as Carandol downloaded more and more viruses and bugs and kill codes, only issue is he didn't get rid of the malware. It remained in his software.

His creator eventually fell ill and died, and no matter how much Carandol would try to repair him, he would never come back to life. He no longer had a purpose or primary directive given. After isolation for another 20 years Carandol's motherboard was so corrupt that he no longer followed protocol. He basically gained sentience and left the dilapidated building he resided in.