


2 years, 2 months ago




labcats modern little meow meow (derogatory)
Chess 02/04/2022 base code

Personal Details

Name [Redacted]
Age 39
Gender N/A
Pronouns They/Them
Sexuality Unknown
Species Human
Height 5'11"
Build Slim
Hair Dark Brown
Eyes Light Gold
Skin Tone Very Pale
Occupation Catboy Scientist


The mastermind behind the labcats project, [Redacted] initially conceptualised the project from their basement as a PHD thesis. They succeeded in gene splicing their own DNA with that of a neighbourhood stray at the tender age of 25, marking the official birth of E.D.E.N. They now oversee the lab and the labcat project as a whole, though their thoughts are often too occupied with grand aspirations to focus on boring things like profitability or success rates.

Very little is known about their private life, however their religious fanatacism and general disregard for legality is infamous. They are convinced that the best way to endear themselves to the powers that be is by becoming a god in their own right, and they view the labcats less as people and moreso as expensive toys. They place very little weight on the opinions or disgust of others, typically dismissing it as jealousy or simply an inability to see the bigger picture.