


6 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info







Personality in a nutshell

Quiet, reserved, introverted, kind, selfless


contestant (previously a cashier)


"Worry, worry, worry, love is passing me by,

Worry, worry, worry, I'm so painfully shy

Other guys get the kisses, Why am I the one who misses?

Worry, Worry, Worry, woe is me."

innocent worried man mistakenly thrown into situations

One moment, you’re minding your own business. The next, you’re stuck with someone that looks just like yourself, in something you didn’t want to be in. It wasn’t intentional for the two to go down the same route together; Christopher had a girlfriend back home, just trying to get by in a ordinary life. He was planning of looking into trying to be part of a travel agency, and of course his look-a-like made him take a fall just by looking just like him.


Christopher's often known to be very soft-spoken; very reserved, a little anxious, and quiet overall; he's a bit of an introvert. The last thing he'd wish is to hurt anyone, or even worse - be framed of being something so pointlessly cruel. 

Enjoying his free time by reading plenty of novels of various genres, Christopher certainly is more book-smart than he is street-smart; Want to know the answer to a science question? Christopher's got your back! Though have someone to walk down the darker alleys of Cardellia? Christopher already has his tail between his legs, rushing to go home.

If Christopher has to endure a situation that might lead to fisticuffs, Christopher is more than willing to step up and attempt to talk his way through the situation; to try and come to a positive compromise with the conflict at hand. Overall though, Christopher often is a bit shy upon trying to speak up, or attempt to take action on his own.

Current story:

Christopher was just beginning to get adjusted to adulthood; it's been quite a few years of being with his girlfriend, and had recently just moved into a fine little house with her, using what funds he had. He was excited to finally get settled down, and even start a new job for a travel agency days after moving in. His life was beginning to look happy and bright, much like the walls and carpets of his home.

It wasn't until the day he was meant to head on over to his job, was when a familiar face appeared on the screens of the TVs inside the local diner, after having his morning coffee. It looked like.....him? He hadn't done anything wrong! Christopher wouldn't hurt a fly, even. And yet his face was plastered on the screen, with large red letters reading "WANTED". Soon, he heard sirens outside the diner.


He was knocked out cold, only left with the sounds of sirens, and fast and loud footsteps going towards him. Minutes later it felt, he woke up groggy in a room he didn't recognize, wearing clothes he didn't own, and a little pain in the back of his neck, and as if he was just looking at himself sitting on the other side of the room. Was he so tired he saw himself? All of a sudden things began to make sense, after perking up, taking a double take. 

Someone looked just like him, and now both of them are in what looked like a cold and metal room.