Gaelin Nerei'fali Alexandra



2 years, 1 month ago





𝓐 princess with a curse.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ornare orci tempor tortor sollicitudin finibus. Etiam maximus, justo sed finibus porta, diam risus hendrerit nulla, id pretium ex nibh ut elit.

Nullam vehicula condimentum elementum. Etiam maximus, justo sed finibus porta, diam risus hendrerit nulla, id pretium ex nibh ut elit. Nam volutpat efficitur sem, sed condimentum velit.


Name Quinn Veczernya
Title The Hierophant
Age 20 something
Gender Agender
Pronouns He / They
Origin Zvezda, Hercynia
Height 5'4"
Build Slim
Hair Dusty Red
Eyes Grey
Race Human (Arguably)
Sexuality Demi-Pan
Pathway Voidweaver
Occupation Occultist
Zodiac Spinner's Moon
Affiliation OoAM


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Heir of Shadow



Name Gaelin
Age 24
Gender Cis Woman
Pronouns She/Her
Resides Wugabur
Species Royal Triton
Height 5'3"
Build Slender
Hair Teal undercut
Eyes Opalescent
Sexuality Unsure
Class Twilight Cleric
Zodiac Cancer
Alignment Chaotic Good
Curious Forgiving Optimistic Leaderly Knowledgeable Clever Reserved Awkward Open-Minded Brave Calm Tired Anxious


  • ✦ Saltwater Vodka
  • ✦ Tea and Coffee
  • ✦ Markets
  • ✦ Quiet Mornings
  • ✦ Hotel Rooms


  • ✦ Cooking
  • ✦ Traveling
  • ✦ Learning
  • ✦ Training
  • ✦ Collecting Trinkets


  • ✦ Solitude
  • ✦ Politicians
  • ✦ Tight Spaces
  • ✦ Spicy Food
  • ✦ Fire & Smoke


Twilight Domain

Gaelin's relationship with her cleric deity, Amon, allows her control over the Twilight: the space between, a plane that exists within the border of light and darkness. Gaelin serves as something of a doorway to it, able to exist both inside and outside of the Twilight.


Her travels as a Haunted One and Amon's teachings have given Gaelin firsthand knowledge and practice in occult runecrafting and charmwork. She is also well-researched in the cults, rituals and crafts involved with the mysterious Black Fragments that litter the world.

Aquatic Heiress

You might notice Gaelin's demeanor shift once she's placed in a leaderly role, a new confidence and poise falling over her that was not there before. Beyond being well-versed in the arts, politics, and world history, being a Royal Triton makes her amphibious and able to transform into a mermaid as an action. She can also communicate basic concepts with, and understand, aquatic creatures.

Monster Hunter

Being haunted by demons spurred Gaelin to research and train in fighting several different types of monsters, in hopes of one day learning how to end her curse. She carries a monster hunter's pack with her, and she certainly knows how to use it. Demons of the Twilight are something of a different nature, and she's learning to accept them over time, so she keeps their hunger subdued with silver.


Apothecary work was Gaelin's primary career while she was traveling on land, before joining the party. She is well-versed in non-arcane medicine and healing magic alike, making her a valuable asset to towns lacking doctors.

Home Cook

Cooking has always been one of Gaelin's favorite activities. She knows how to grow tea leaves, fruits, and vegetables, and her cooking skills are above average; though there are still few recipes she knows, she's working on growing her collection.



While Gaelin was born royalty, her mother made sure she never became spoiled and knew what it was like to fight for survival. This readied her for living on land, where she scraped by as an apothecary at the edge of villages before joining her party.


With 8 charisma, Gaelin is rather awkward in social situations. She's quiet, reserved, and compassionate towards others, but has a spark of bravery that occasionally borders on the recklessly impulsive. Unfortunately, while it's easy for her not to give up on others, she's already given up on herself.


Answers. She's been seeking answers since she left home. What is the world really like? Is it worth getting involved with, at the risk of her own kingdom's safety? Are people worth saving? Is she? What will rid her of the torment her demons have caused?


Because Gaelin struggles with suicidal thoughts, she has the impulse to rush into danger to save her friends. Additionally, she has a difficult time making important choices, as she knows how important it is for a ruler to make the hard call without regret.


It does not take long for Gaelin to develop hard and fast loyalty to those she cares about. If any of her friends or family are in danger, she'll drop everything to help them.


As an Anelean, Gaelin's faith is primarily exhibited in worship to Braelen and their Changing Faith. However, this is split with Gaelin's devotion to her deity Amon — even if their bond is more of a personal one.


Current Events

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed egestas quam nec ante pretium, nec commodo lectus porta. Phasellus porta nulla a risus vestibulum molestie. Pellentesque fermentum laoreet erat nec facilisis. Duis vulputate sem vitae est auctor ullamcorper. Nulla fringilla eleifend magna, a elementum diam malesuada eget. Quisque odio sapien, dictum et nibh at, finibus cursus arcu. Donec tempor massa non ornare luctus. Ut massa dui, euismod quis erat id, ullamcorper aliquet purus. Quisque et augue neque. Integer posuere, lorem et varius mollis, nunc dui maximus odio, tincidunt elementum turpis nulla sit amet sapien. Etiam dui massa, placerat eu ante a, sollicitudin fringilla justo. Phasellus feugiat lorem a elit semper, a facilisis turpis mattis.

Early Life

Integer consectetur, tellus eget pulvinar viverra, sem risus consequat ligula, quis facilisis dui sem feugiat nisl. Nullam pretium ligula non fermentum molestie. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam vitae dui a mi auctor auctor. Aliquam malesuada hendrerit congue. Donec sollicitudin purus et tempus placerat. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse vitae placerat tellus, a facilisis nisi. Duis sit amet orci leo. Duis dapibus quam eget nisl finibus consequat. Cras congue laoreet orci et dignissim. Vivamus nibh augue, fringilla vitae sodales id, luctus id odio. Vivamus egestas pretium tincidunt.

Vivamus varius odio metus, semper eleifend ex sollicitudin consectetur. Pellentesque id euismod orci. Nulla at nisl risus. Nam fringilla sit amet magna at consectetur. Vestibulum scelerisque, elit et ultrices volutpat, urna neque aliquam sem, ac dictum turpis ligula in elit. Fusce vitae velit cursus, venenatis neque vel, maximus magna.


Apothecary Supplies

Small glass bottles, sealed packs of fresh medicinal leaves to grind into poultices, near-pure grain alcohol, and slices of dried roots make up the bulk of Gaelin's on-the-go medicinal tools. She learned the basics as a traveling apothecary fairly young, and utilized them in her first months of travel.

Monster Hunter's Kit

The early days of Gaelin's travels included a good amount of research into curses and monsters, due to her initial desire to break the curse that has shadow demons haunting her every breath. Stakes, holy water, iron manacles. The works.

Travel Wok

The easiest way to cook on the go is to throw everything into one pan. It's usually slung over Gaelin's back with her weapon and layers nicely under her shield during travel.


The ceremonial sword given to Gaelin upon coming of age is sea-green and shimmery, the crest of Anelea proudly displayed on the pommel. It usually remains sheathed on her hip or back.

A Letter

Sealed by wax with the same compass symbol tattooed on her hands and bound by twine, this letter details what the finder is to do if Gaelin dies on the road. Best to be prepared. She is royalty, after all.

Pouches of Herbs

They're useful both for emergency medicine when health potions run out, and for cooking. Some are suspended in oil to infuse it, but most are dried and bound in bunches.


Salted Fish

A favorite of Gaelin's for breakfasts and light lunches. Fillets of whitefish are preserved in salt and dried, making them stable for travel. She'll soak the fish for 24 hours beforehand to remove most of the salt before grilling or frying it.

Bee Sting Flatbreads

This is a recipe she came up with while the party traveled through the desert, near the Sterberg Mountains. Hearth-grilled flatbreads are topped with goat cheese, mildly-sweet sugar hornet meat, and a drizzle of honey.

Olga's Pepper Eggs

Gaelin struggles with spicy food. She wants to like it one day. However, as Elias is fond of it, she'll cook it for them: fresh scrambled eggs mixed with cow's milk cheese and some of Olga's mysterious hot peppers that Gaelin swiped from the Hunter's Hall pantry. Usually accompanied by sausage.

Wealth: 1,507 Gold


hurtling through the vast unknown, staring straight into the pure, black void, drowning in the sea of stars



Name Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras dictum ligula nec gravida posuere. Nullam fringilla suscipit accumsan. Suspendisse aliquet vehicula nunc, tempor efficitur velit venenatis lobortis. Suspendisse sit amet iaculis mauris.


Name Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras dictum ligula nec gravida posuere. Nullam fringilla suscipit accumsan. Suspendisse aliquet vehicula nunc, tempor efficitur velit venenatis lobortis. Suspendisse sit amet iaculis mauris.


Name Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras dictum ligula nec gravida posuere. Nullam fringilla suscipit accumsan. Suspendisse aliquet vehicula nunc, tempor efficitur velit venenatis lobortis. Suspendisse sit amet iaculis mauris.