Shihan Wu



2 years, 2 months ago



let’s become ‘friends’, without using words.

gender transmasc
pronouns he/she/they
age 24 (03/22)
sexuality lesbian
ethnicity taiwanese
ship sammy
sizes 5'6" / 135lbs
playlist ♪♫♪
talent marine mammal trainer
role no game yet!
water remembers everything it travels over and through.
if you have been in water, part of you remains there still.
extroverted introverted
instinctive calculated
polite sassy
deceptive sincere
indifferent emotional
reserved affectionate
lone wolf team player
tarot the hermit; reversed
trope third-person person
attitude pessimist
animal spotted seal

design notes

  • his grey hair is done in a messy, low bun with some stands falling loose on either side of his face. shihan wears a black hat with a pink ribbon tied into a bow on the right side. in the middle of the bow is a white, plastic starfish charm.
  • their shirt is very loose on their body. they have a flat chest.
  • their face and hands are almost always covered in charcoal or pen smudges. they like to sketch the animals in the aquarium on their breaks! he wears spare hairties around his left wrist.
  • she wears several earrings in her right ear. a black helix piercing, a white industrial piercing, two black star studs, and a black lobe piercing. in her left ear, she has a single black star stud on her lobe.
  • shihan has thick eyebrows.

i met you, that's all i need.


shīhán works with marine mammals at penghu's local aquarium, training and caring for them - as well as assisting with nursing them back to health if need be. he runs shows with the aquarium's seals and penguins on a near-daily basis, drawing in crowds of people that want to see the person who can supposedly talk to seals. those who cannot make it all of the way out to see shīhán's spectacles in person tune into the aquarium's youtube livestreams.

shīhán is an expert on how to care for the animals in their care - knowing all of the different diets, preferences, and medical needs. he can tell when even the slightest thing is off, and provide his seals, otters, or penguins with the proper attention in a moments notice. she can get her animals to perform all sorts of tricks with ease.


shīhán is one to speak his mind with little care. the first thing that pops into his mind comes out of his mouth without a second thought. he talks a lot, but primarily about the things that interest him and not about the other people around him. he can come across as selfish or rude because of this - and it is, in a sense. his tone of speaking is very flat and he doesn’t emote much - often sporting a neutral expression that can be written off as dismissive. truly, shīhán is someone who doesn’t connect with humans, or really try to. he is closer with the animals he cares for and sees them as better than other humans.

shīhán is passionate, but only about his line of work. he puts everything into caring for his seals and other animals and making sure they have everything they need. but he often slacks off when it comes to himself or other tasks, because he simply doesn’t care for them. they’re a bit awkward; shīhán often misses jokes and fails to read the tone of the room. he takes things very literally and rarely, if ever, picks up on sarcasm or backhanded compliments.

misc. info

residence baisha, penghu
enneagram type 6
hand left

flora plum blossoms
fave food pork belly bun
fave drink banana grass jelly

soul color purple
utena duel raison
sdv class havencraft

various trivia

  • shihan was made after a friend told me I desperatley needed to make a seal/ocean life themed oc, so here we are.
  • the outfit pictured in the gallery is shihan's casual attire. while on the job they wear a wetsuit with the aquiarium's logo on it and a visor.
  • shihan's favorite mammal to work with is seals.
  • she prefers masculine and neutral terms (ex: mister, mx, etc)!
  • his birthday is on the international day of the seal!
  • shihan and sammy are not a ship in kgrp settings because this would make them both significantly less ill and well we can't have that.
  • coral reefs
  • ph level test strips
  • sea glass
  • touch pools
  • soda can wrappers
  • cats
  • thunderstorms
  • chalk
  • sketchbook
  • paper starfish
  • water wiggle
  • charcoal sticks
