Danilo Bagaoisan



2 years, 2 months ago



Full name: Danilo Bagaoisan
Birthdate: July 27; 20 years old
Birthplace: USA
Height: 172 cm (5’7”)
Weight: 63.5 kg (140 lbs)
Family/Relatives: father, mother, younger set of twins (brother and sister), younger sister
Job/Occupation: College student
Likes: Trains, birds
Dislikes: Being alone
Hobbies: Ziplining
Favorite food: Steak
Forte in sports: Volleyball
Weapon: Fighting sticks
Fighting style: Eskrima

The oldest of four siblings and a fan of KOF tournaments after watching the tourney in ‘97. Inspired, Danilo uptakes eskrima lessons from his father, though he does set aside time for college. In 2002, he travels to Japan to study abroad and to also watch KOF that year- though his lack of direction eventually leads him to meeting Terasu Ninigi at her shine and Triton along the way. Forming a bond between the two, they would later form Team Paradise in The King of Fighters XIV with Dani as team leader.

To be blunt, he’s kind of stupid, but means well. Dani’s good in school but put him out in the open, he will have no idea what to do- the guy’s awful with directions so do not give him a map. Due to growing up with a large family, he’s good with kids and is very sociable. Though he has the tendency to ramble, Dani knows when to be quiet and how to keep a secret. Overall, Danilo is always looking at the bright side of things.