Delilah Natori



6 years, 5 months ago




NAME Delilah Natori

PRONOUNS she/her

AGE 24

BIRTHDAY January 3


HEIGHT 5'6" / 168cm

GENDER cis woman



THEME content

write a paragraph or two as an intro here, it won't scroll

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc aliquet mollis mauris ut consequat. Duis ut enim neque. Ut at enim ut ante iaculis fringilla a id sapien. Curabitur consequat neque elit, a placerat magna pretium at. Vivamus pulvinar leo enim, ut tempus ligula porttitor gravida. Vestibulum eget posuere massa, ac vehicula nunc.


  • Reading
  • Sewing
  • Spicy food
  • four


  • Noise
  • Creepy crawlies
  • Children
  • four


  • Naturally right-handed, but functionally left-handed due to nerve damage taking away fine motor control in her right
  • Struggles to properly emote from spending a majority of her life getting punished for trying to express herself, physically cannot cry
  • Genuinely doesn't know if she has a father somewhere out there or if she was some magically-created clone of Lucess, and really doesn't want to know
  • Ut at enim ut ante iaculis fringilla a id sapien


  • Bottom lashes and white pupils are stylization and don't need to be drawn the same way
  • Very rarely seen without makeup on, even in more casual situations like staying at home
  • Scars on her back are layered, with a handful of whip scars, a large burn scar above them, and more whip scars on top
  • Keeps her nails painted most of the time, usually just black
  • five


Delilah's entire way of interacting with other people and her own thoughts and issues can be summed up as Avoidance. Around others she stays cold and distant, isolating herself in an effort to avoid getting close enough to anyone to put them at risk. Being forced to interact with others beyond her comfort level will push her to annoyance and eventually outright hostility if she's unable to just walk away from the situation. She's quiet and doesn't interact with others outside of what's required for class or work, and sometimes comes off as haughty to others because of this. When she does finally start to open up, she shows affection mainly through touch and being physically close to Oriel. She's good at keeping up a façade that things are fine (within context of her normal behavior, at least), but struggles with outright lying, with really obvious tells like stumbling over her words and being unable to look the person she's lying to in the eye. Within her own head, she gets by by repressing the details of a lot of traumatic memories. Being exposed to triggers can push her to dissociation if it's bad enough or for long enough.

Delilah has a complex about having to constantly perform femininity, resulting from Lucess drilling such ideas into her for most of her life. She's genuinely uncomfortable being seen without makeup or a proper put-together outfit, to the point where she won't even take off her makeup before going to bed with Oriel for months after they get together. She's aware that it's not particularly logical or healthy to act this way; it doesn't bother her at all to see other women not conforming to the same standards. In the same vein, she does everything she can to make sure her scars aren't visible: she wears long sleeves whenever possible, and will not wear anything that exposes her back.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc aliquet mollis mauris ut consequat. Duis ut enim neque. Ut at enim ut ante iaculis fringilla a id sapien. Curabitur consequat neque elit, a placerat magna pretium at. Vivamus pulvinar leo enim, ut tempus ligula porttitor gravida.

Vestibulum eget posuere massa, ac vehicula nunc. Donec mollis lacus ac dictum vulputate. Sed congue iaculis dolor, in dictum ex aliquam ac. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc aliquet mollis mauris ut consequat. Duis ut enim neque. Ut at enim ut ante iaculis fringilla a id sapien. Curabitur consequat neque elit, a placerat magna pretium at. Vivamus pulvinar leo enim, ut tempus ligula porttitor gravida.

Vestibulum eget posuere massa, ac vehicula nunc. Donec mollis lacus ac dictum vulputate. Sed congue iaculis dolor, in dictum ex aliquam ac. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.


ORIEL VINE partner

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc aliquet mollis mauris ut consequat. Duis ut enim neque. Ut at enim ut ante iaculis fringilla a id sapien. Curabitur consequat neque elit, a placerat magna pretium at. Vivamus pulvinar leo enim, ut tempus ligula porttitor gravida. Vestibulum eget posuere massa, ac vehicula nunc.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc aliquet mollis mauris ut consequat. Duis ut enim neque. Ut at enim ut ante iaculis fringilla a id sapien. Curabitur consequat neque elit, a placerat magna pretium at. Vivamus pulvinar leo enim, ut tempus ligula porttitor gravida. Vestibulum eget posuere massa, ac vehicula nunc.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc aliquet mollis mauris ut consequat. Duis ut enim neque. Ut at enim ut ante iaculis fringilla a id sapien. Curabitur consequat neque elit, a placerat magna pretium at. Vivamus pulvinar leo enim, ut tempus ligula porttitor gravida. Vestibulum eget posuere massa, ac vehicula nunc.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc aliquet mollis mauris ut consequat. Duis ut enim neque. Ut at enim ut ante iaculis fringilla a id sapien. Curabitur consequat neque elit, a placerat magna pretium at. Vivamus pulvinar leo enim, ut tempus ligula porttitor gravida. Vestibulum eget posuere massa, ac vehicula nunc.