ciao's Comments

Omg yes this baby is ✨😍😍

What would you like for them? I would love to do some art, I haven’t any new examples but if you do trust me a promise my art has gotten better! I’ll maybe post some new examples tomorrow 😭

I was in love with your art before this so I’m all in😭I’ll accept art! How much are you comfortable doing?

honestly depends on what you feel comfortable with!! :DD idrm 


Alright is 2-3 okay? :<< again I don’t wanna stress you out so pls lmk if not. It can be a fullbody or a bust idc which! You can do anyone in this folder other than June!

Do u like anyone in my toyhouse? I’m not sure if ur strictly looking for toongore designs or what qwq but if so I cant do my toongore ones😔

OMGGG I would legit accept a custom from you like you don’t even know how much I love your art and designs!!🐾🍓but if not I can totally take a look at your characters !! 

Oh I can do a custom! Pls message me ! :D and OMGG fhfhj I’m flattered sm waaa