Commissions (open) 0/5



2 years, 5 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Sale (Virtual Currency)
For Offer
$10 - $60


Howdy! Im open for commissions and probably forever will be till i get a large amount that i asked for

(Dm me or comment below but dms are preferred to organize everything)

My prices for certain peices and different styles i can do 

Icon/headshot: 10$

Half body: 15$

fullbody: 30$

addional characters: 10$

Detailed backgrounds: +15$ ( or more with how complex, im mainly good at forests deserts sea and nature scenes or indoor areas)

Customs: 15$-40$ (depends on complexity or additions of art and reference)

reference sheet: 40$

Digital painting: 60$ 

different art styles


Smooth line art

Colorful line art

what i can draw/cant

Can: humans, humaniods, feral, anthro, monsters, beasts, Simple robots or mechs 

Cant: overly complicated designs, characters without refrence (if you write them down you must understand others read it differently) and overly complex clothing 


1: The art is yours and you are free to do with it as you like even edit it or trace over it as long as im still the credit to the art

2: credit me through here please 

3: do not use as advertise it unless i would be getting more money for it, its unfair to use me for my work and id be glad to work on a project if wanted