I have a couple!


I wanted to recommend this one to anyone for a long time since I love using it, ever since I found out about it 2 years ago. I've had good experience with it and I hope many others have that to.

Manuskript (Windows/Linux)

  • Free open source writing program.
  • Has an outliner, index cards, a "Frequency Analyzer", and "story line" (sorta like a timeline).
  • Seems similar to Scrivener? (At least when I compare screenshots of scrivener to what I use in Manuskript. I never used Scrivener but it seems really good?)
  • Has a feature similar to FocusWriter's software. ("Distraction-Free Mode" Being a full screen typing space that lets you customize the colours, background images, and fonts.)
  • Is portable.
  • Has it's own file format. (.msk files)
  • You can convert these but I haven't figured it out yet but it might be because I'm just stubborn. (Requires you to install pandoc)
  • Has github repository that is active.
  • Sadly has some issues with Mac. (It seems to be from the fact that newer Mac OS's require packages to be signed.)

I use this one for a lot of things. But I feel like it is useful for artists trying to stay productive. Also have been using this one for a while.

Snap Timer (Windows)
  • Free countdown timer. (I also think there might be a stopwatch feature as well?)
  • Portable and no installation required.
  • Simple clean interface, can be minimized in the tray.
  • Doesn't write to your registry.
  • Has some good customization options and other settings.

Hope these are useful for some people! :D


Whoops, took me a bit but I just added Manuskript to the list! (Opted not to link snaptimer since it's not necessarily art-related? but I appreciate the suggestion nonetheless)

That's fair. I thought to include it since it helped me with drawing lol.

Krita also has an Android app version now!! It's still in beta, but so far it's been pretty good and works exactly like the desktop version, as far as I can tell! :D

Noted! Though I am going to wait until the Android port is out of beta before listing it as a main fork/version of Krita (did mention it on the page though!)

D'ohhh I totally didn't clock that it was mentioned there, my bad sorry! Haha fair enough

Glimpse (Windows/Linux/Mac) 

  • Open Source program, fork of GIMP (you can see what that means on the Glimpse website!
  • Some added tools and a rework of GIMP's interface 
  • This project is on hiatus and they have stopped developing for it.:( 
  • Similar to GIMP it's more for editing stuff but it's still pretty good

Medibang (Windows/Mac/iPad/Android/Mobile)

  • Includes tutorials for each platform
I don't know if you're interested in specific art one but here's some pixel art alternatives:

Slate (Windows/Mac/Linux) - FREE

  • Open source program

LibreSprite (Windows/Linux) - FREE

  • a fork of Aesprite before it became a non open source project and is now independently developed passed that 

GraphicsGale (Windows) - FREE 

Added! I listed Glimpse under GIMP since it's a fork + Medibang had already been featured in the list. Thanks for the suggestions!

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+1 on KdenLive,,,,absolutely wonderful program but yes,,, there is a learning curve

Added both! Ty for the suggestions!

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