


6 years, 5 months ago


Name: Charlotte Harper
Age: 18
Gender: Female

Charlotte is a very confident and loud girl. She will gladly boost about her amazing magic abilities. She won't back down from a challenge and can be quite stubborn when it comes to certain things. 

Charlotte was born into a magic family and followed in the footsteps of her ancestors to become a witch. Of course she didn't start out powerful. In the beginning when Charlotte was still young she didn't have much control over her magic which lead to her spells going wrong or not even working. Most of the time they didn't work. The other kids would poke fun at her sometimes due to this. But that never stopped Charlotte from continuing her magic practice. One day she met a new kid at the park where she would usually practice her magic. Charlotte's spell went a bit wrong and it suddenly made the bin throw trash at everyone. However this soon stopped due to the new child that had appeared that day. Claire Cinders. She fixed the spell and put everything back to where it was with ease. She instantly became the most popular kid in the park from that day on. 

Everywhere Charlotte went she would either see, hear or bump into Claire. When Charlotte started magic school Claire was in her class. It annoyed Charlotte that Claire was so good with her magic and could preform spells that no one her age could. So Charlotte dedicated every single spare minute she had into practicing her magic. Of course all her hard work slowly began to pay off as she quickly improved to be the second best magic user in her class. But she was always second best. Claire was always better than her but it just made Charlotte want to prove to everyone that she was better. Which made her develop some strange obsession with claiming to be the best and classing her magic as the best. She managed to summon her helper when she entered high school. It was stag but some bits where missing from him and he was chopped up in sections. But she didn't care too much since she summoned one before everyone else even Claire. 

Once Charlotte finished high school she didn't waste anytime in going to a higher witch to take her on as an assistant. It took her a while to find someone that would take her on but she finally found a witch who would take her. However sometimes her teacher doesn't teach her anything so this causes Charlotte to use her traveling spell to open up portals to different worlds. She loves to see what other worlds are like and how magic works in other places. Which lead her to meet a boy who was cursed. The boy was dubbed the name Dolly by Charlotte due to the fact the curse put on him changed him into a living doll. Dolly ended up staying with Charlotte so she could figure out how to break the curse on him. He ends up helping her out quite a bit when she travels to other worlds while trying to find out how to break his curse. 

Facts about Charlotte:
She never follows the proper witch dress code in school or now. She likes to stand out.
Her helper is called Orion.
Charlotte tends to keep her feelings locked up tight inside her. So she doesn't let anyone know how she truly feels until she breaks.