Hayaka (KNY)



2 years, 1 month ago



AliasYua Fujimori 


 (before being disinherited)
Hayaka (before being disinherited)
Illusion Demon
Mind Breaker
Height190 cm
Weight58 kg
Hair ColorLight gray with red tips
Eye ColorCrimson
AffiliationDemon Slayer Corps
Combat StyleConnection Blood Art
Partner(s)Tengen Uzui 
Kyojuro Rengoku
Mitsuri Kanroji
Gyomei Himejima
Personal Status
Alive (Pre-Timeskip)
Deceased (Post-Timeskip)
RelativesMasako Fujimori (mother)
Zankoku Fujimori (father)
??? (former partner)
Goto (current partner)
Muichiro Tokito (distantly related)
See all relatives here
Manga DebutChapter #
Anime DebutEpisode #
Japanese VAinfo
English VAMary Elizabeth McGlynn
(Your language) VAinfo
Stage Playinfo
Character Name Images

If someone walks away from you, let them go. Your destiny is never tied to someone who leaves you. It doesn't mean they are a bad person, it just means their role in your story is over.
Character Name in Chapter Name

Hayaka (颯佳) is a fan character for the Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba series by Koyoharu Gotōge. Hayaka is a supporting character, taken as a bodyguard/ally to the demon slayer corps, formerly known to be part of it but never made a hashira for her lack of a stable breathing form despite having slain over 50 demons in her time as a demon slayer.


Hayaka is a tall slender female demon that can be easily mistaken for a male. She has medium light-gray hair with red tips that fall just below her shoulders, usually very full and messy, yet, on further inspection is incredibly soft to the touch. Her eyes are of vivid crimson color, with a lighter shade of red on the edge and large darker veins inside the iris. There is 3 main lightning-like markings below each of her eyes, and two scar-like markings on her cheeks and neck.

Hayaka will try to conceal most of her body with clothing, as well as cover her face with a red oni mask that has a mane-like wig attached to it, refusing to take it off when asked to but can be convinced to do so with little to no effort. She wears a small rope bracelet on her left wrist, as well as carries two green sickles connected by a chain. Her clothes are of a dark brown color with red and green accents, as well as an old, and mostly torn, dark brown hatori with connected circles.

Her face and eyes resemble a large lion or feline, softening when she's talking to humans.


Hayaka is shown to be a mostly quiet and serious demon, not caring too much or not reacting as much to mocking or annoyance from others. She will usually avoid contact with humans as if to not disturb them with her presence, going as far as to advise them to keep away from her because demons must not live alongside humans. If on further attempt to follow her to her home, she'll probably give out food, water and resting space for the human, watching over them as a curious child yet, treating them as their own kin.

Hayaka will often ask humans that she spends a lot of time with if they would like to have her as their mother. If they accept, she'll protect them even with her life. She'll often go out of her way to help the ones she claimed as her children, helping them with daily activities and protecting them from any harm, talking to them in a soft calm tone.

When faced with another demon, Hayaka will usually talk with them in a calm demeanor trying to lower their guard so that she can approach them safely and swiftly end their existence, she'll do that as much as she can to avoid resorting to violence. If the demon is clearly aggressive towards her or one of her children, her personality will go feral, her calm demeanor will be replaced with a vicious and sour personality, mocking her opponent as she will not kill them like this, but resort to making them wither from exhaustion, like a cat playing with a mouse.


Overall Abilities: Being a demon that has outlived many centuries, Hayaka has a large understanding of the world she lives in, as well as the most successful ways to engage in conversation and avoid conflict. She uses that knowledge she has gathered as well as her unusual feeding habits to not only be a well-articulated demon but as well as an extremely powerful opponent to the ones unadvised, being able to take many demons in a fight priorly. Hayaka possesses abilities and attributes gathered by the demons that she has consumed and slayers she had been in contact with, being capable of not winning a fight with strength but resorting to words and her swiftness.


Primal Perception: Hayaka seems to be aware of the space around her as a whole. She can detect small changes to the wind currents caused by any creatures and even plants, being able to notice their presence and show close to them before they even have time to react. This ability has a small counterpart, once Hayaka starts moving towards her target, the direction she's moving will be hit by a strong wind current, coming to a sudden halt once she stops. The wind can also cause some small breathing pattern alterations, being the person who is against the wind to be left without breath allowing the demon to flee, and the ones being hit by it, confused or even hit with small pieces of debris. This ability is mostly passive, but when it's triggered by the Netting ability (the active form of Primal Perception), can manifest in a physical form making it easier to find her target.

Superior Demon: Despite the fact that she has broken free of Muzan's curse, Hayaka is shown to be evenly matched to some of the superior moons due to her over 3-century experience. She gained that amount of power by consuming the flesh of other demons, indirectly getting more of Muzan's blood in her, being noted to be a hard opponent to face due to her high speed, regeneration, durability and specially her tactical experience. Despite that, she lacks strength, resorting mostly in her speed and intelect to harm opponents.

Ability Name: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tristique a magna ac dapibus. Praesent aliquam dignissim metus id tempor. Donec vitae turpis scelerisque nisl convallis sodales. Duis quis faucibus lacus, quis placerat nisi. Ut eget ipsum egestas, porttitor arcu vel, dignissim ipsum. Nunc vitae sagittis erat. Fusce cursus urna a eros posuere, id dapibus nulla ornare. Vestibulum eu aliquet nibh, nec sagittis est. Quisque dolor tortor, feugiat feugiat nisi vel, lacinia feugiat lacus.

Ability Name: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tristique a magna ac dapibus. Praesent aliquam dignissim metus id tempor. Donec vitae turpis scelerisque nisl convallis sodales. Duis quis faucibus lacus, quis placerat nisi. Ut eget ipsum egestas, porttitor arcu vel, dignissim ipsum. Nunc vitae sagittis erat. Fusce cursus urna a eros posuere, id dapibus nulla ornare. Vestibulum eu aliquet nibh, nec sagittis est. Quisque dolor tortor, feugiat feugiat nisi vel, lacinia feugiat lacus.

Ability Name: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tristique a magna ac dapibus. Praesent aliquam dignissim metus id tempor. Donec vitae turpis scelerisque nisl convallis sodales. Duis quis faucibus lacus, quis placerat nisi. Ut eget ipsum egestas, porttitor arcu vel, dignissim ipsum. Nunc vitae sagittis erat. Fusce cursus urna a eros posuere, id dapibus nulla ornare. Vestibulum eu aliquet nibh, nec sagittis est. Quisque dolor tortor, feugiat feugiat nisi vel, lacinia feugiat lacus.

 Blood Demon Art 
  • Mind Prison (心の牢獄, Kokoro no rōgoku) : description here
  • Second Form: Name (弐ノ型 Kanji, Ni no kata: Rōmaji) : description here
  • Third Form: Name (参ノ型 Kanji, San no kata: Rōmaji) : description here
  • Fourth Form: Name (肆ノ型 Kanji, Shi no kata: Rōmaji) : description here
  • Fifth Form: Name (伍ノ型 Kanji, Go no kata: Rōmaji) : description here
  • Sixth Form: Name (陸ノ型 Kanji, Roku no kata: Rōmaji) : description here
  • Seventh Form: Name (漆ノ型 Kanji, Shichi no kata: Rōmaji) : description here
  • Eighth Form: Name (捌ノ型 Kanji, Hachi no kata: Rōmaji) : description here
  • Ninth Form: Name (玖ノ型 Kanji, Ku no kata: Rōmaji) : description here
  • Tenth Form: Name (拾ノ型 Kanji, Jū no kata: Rōmaji) : description here

Equipment Name 1: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut quis hendrerit tellus. Aliquam gravida urna sed ultricies dignissim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Curabitur imperdiet massa eu semper mattis. Quisque maximus ultricies sagittis. Aenean egestas ipsum vel massa rhoncus facilisis. Vivamus mattis libero ac risus ornare, id mattis turpis efficitur. Phasellus felis tellus, faucibus a tellus sollicitudin, ornare accumsan urna. Duis et ultricies tortor, vitae luctus diam. Nullam vel odio non arcu tempus semper at sit amet ante. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Curabitur maximus nunc et ligula aliquam pulvinar.

Equipment Name 2: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut quis hendrerit tellus. Aliquam gravida urna sed ultricies dignissim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Curabitur imperdiet massa eu semper mattis. Quisque maximus ultricies sagittis. Aenean egestas ipsum vel massa rhoncus facilisis. Vivamus mattis libero ac risus ornare, id mattis turpis efficitur. Phasellus felis tellus, faucibus a tellus sollicitudin, ornare accumsan urna. Duis et ultricies tortor, vitae luctus diam. Nullam vel odio non arcu tempus semper at sit amet ante. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Curabitur maximus nunc et ligula aliquam pulvinar.

Character Name Battles
Final Selection Arc
  • Character Name vs. Name
  • Character Name vs. Name
First Mission Arc
  • Character Name vs. Name
  • Character Name vs. Name
Asakusa Arc
  • Character Name vs. Name
  • Character Name vs. Name
Tsuzumi Mansion Arc
  • Character Name vs. Name
  • Character Name vs. Name
Natagumo Mountain Arc
  • Character Name vs. Name
  • Character Name vs. Name
Mugen Train Arc
  • Character Name vs. Name
  • Character Name vs. Name
Entertainment District Arc
  • Character Name vs. Name
  • Character Name vs. Name
Swordsmith Village Arc
  • Character Name vs. Name
  • Character Name vs. Name
Hashira Training Arc
  • Character Name vs. Name
  • Character Name vs. Name
Infinity Castle Arc
  • Character Name vs. Name
  • Character Name vs. Name
Sunrise Countdown Arc
  • Character Name vs. Name
  • Character Name vs. Name

  • Nomenclature:
    • Meaning of first name. [*]
    • Meaning of last name. [*]
  • Trivia
  • Trivia
  • Trivia
  • Trivia
  • Trivia
  • Trivia