


2 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Eva, Evalia






april 22th



actual status



Bloodcell (extincted human variety) / stick figure

voice claim

Laura Bailey (saints row)


Evalis Autemproud is a human that was adopted at the age of 8 years old as part of the human preservation program, 'the golden path' a clan of automatons with the constant presence of Lordess Exelia, an omnipresent divine being that put an order in the chaotic land of Mistalibera

Her original name was Evalia Exemproud before maiden Exe exiled her from the highest lands

Eva was judged and sentenced to exile and death for making a deal with an ancient hive mind and questioning the word of the maiden

Evalis survive the fall from heaven's doors thanks to the power of the hive mind but now she must survive in "the outer lands" a place where only uncivilized beings reside

Here is where the first arc starts "the corruption veil"


Syamo Evalia:

Evalia Blightwind is a sorian child that lived within a small community in Sollah, she grew up with a lot of different cultures, sorians, clercians and mostly zephyrs, eventually she was adopted by a zephyr family at her 6 Years old and they took care of her until the Xarrons kidnapped all the child with the harvester's while they massacred the whole village.

For years the captured children were forcefully trained to fight to accomplish experimental procedures that would improve Xarrons skills, over the years until she reached her 16 when she found out that her step sister was alive and looking for her, Evalia decided to find her and so she breached to Sollah once again knowing that this time there will be only despite for her since now she's been corrupted and disfigured over the years of exposure to the experiments and the Umbra.

She tried her best to survive trying to get to the center of Solaris, a trip from the wilderness to Solaris that took her 2 years having to deal with outcasts and constant beasts, having to eat what she was able to hunt and run when the enemies were too much to handle.

Once she managed to get inside Solaris between robes that hides her whole body, she searched for the closest tavern and although she wasn't proud she had to pay with the money she stole from a few innocent civilians and so after a night of rest she decided to find clues of her sister's place.

From now on she'll go from tavern to tavern looking for information as incognito she can with her sole body being problematic to be seen.