


6 years, 6 months ago


Real name: Douglas Finch
Nickname: Dolly ( goes by that name so others don't know his real name)
Age: 23 ( But really doesn't look like it )
Gender: Male 

He is pretty grumpy and moody most of the time. Quite a short fuse and will shout or get angry at someone quickly. Can hold a grudge for a long time against someone. Isn't very friendly when you first meet him. Secretly is pretty insecure about how he looks due to being a girly looking living doll. Tends to try and hide his other feelings because it might make him look weak to others. 

Douglas was born into a small family in a large town filled with magic. Ever since he was young he hated magic. He though it was a waste of time and didn't do anything for anyone. But he couldn't escape it due to so many people in his town that could use magic. Douglas lived his whole life arguing with others about magic and it usually ended up into fist fights. This made him the most unpopular person in town. He didn't really have anyone to hang out with or call his friend but he was find with that. He would rather be alone than have a dumb magic loving friend. As he got older his hatred for magic grew due to some of the bad press it received now and then. One day when he was walking back home a woman approached him. 

There was no warning for what happened next. The woman grabbed Douglas and pushed him into a wall. She used her magic to bind him to the wall then began to chant a curse. The dark magic wrapped around Douglas's body and began to change him. Suddenly the magic disappeared and he fell to the ground but he wasn't human anymore. The woman laughed and was delighted with what she had done. She told him that he was her guinea pig for that curse. When he demanded that she turn him back all he got was a laugh and told him that he had to catch her. So with that Douglas tried for the whole night to catch the witch but he didn't succeed. The woman disappeared as the sun began to rise and poor Douglas was stuck as a living doll. From then on he had to change what he wore so it would fit his new body which he hated. Douglas set out into the world to try and find someone to lift the curse from him. He took up the name Dolly so no one would find out that he was cursed.