【 Matthew 】



2 years, 2 months ago


This character is a work in progress, it's a temporary profile.

 Matthew Price 

  • speciescat
  • age25
  • gendermale (he/him)
  • sexualitybisexual

studies criminal justice

likes to take care of plants but they usually die due to lack of time

would like to have a pet but knows he won't take care of it

always tired and busy

usually drinks coffee (black or caramel frappuccino, depends on mood) sometimes energy drinks

swears to quit smoking (he won't)

his family knew Vincent's fam (looks up to him quietly, admires his self-confidence, thinks he always knows what to do)

thinks a lot, speaks less

likes to watch movies to relax

usually eats take-out (slightly unhealthy/skinny)

reliable, mature

seen as aloof


doesn't talk much about himself (assumes nobody cares)

always had a lot of responsibilities and expectations put on him from a young age (afraid of making mistakes, puts too much pressure on himself, thinks people judge him based on his performance)

his way of working is very chaotic but effective

probably autistic

doesn't have many friends

likes to read books (mostly criminals/mystery)

 notes / about 


  • messy'ish hair
  • moderately big ears
  • long, fluffy cheeks
  • prominent cheekbones
  • long'ish snout
  • skinny
  • eyebags under eyes (sometimes)
  • thin eyebrows
  • looks tired
  • flat affect lowkey