SO I finally got around to uploading my BRG here lol Been busy a lot. Hope he meets your approval~!

Oh WOW, he's excellent!!!! Looking fantastic :D Thank you so much for making one of these misters hehe <3

Of course~! I'm so glad you like him~!!

Hehe he's an absolute hunky unit, what's there not to like :D!

Exactly~! I love the BRGs, had to design one for myself~!!

Yes. Big daddy monsters, my favorite.

That made me giggle when I look at your cute fluffy icon XD But I'm the same way. Cute fluffy things and big weird cryptids are both yes XD Glad you like these dudes!

Is there a chance we could join a Discord? O:

So there's a Discord for my entire Multiverse ARPG (, there won't be anything BRG specific but you can post on the main one about them if you'd like to join that one, it's best I can offer XD ;

**excited noises** aaaaa

XD It's pretty quiet there, though, since I haven't had time to worldbuild much in the group recently, but it's gonna come more alive again at some point.

It's all good, I get overwhelmed by constant talking so it's good to have something a Lil slower c:

This is glorious XD!

XD Glad you like these silly guys!

Oh, I'm actually interested in the raffle, but I don't have a dA account. Guess I'll be making my own soon-ish~!

The gentleman at the top of the guide will be raffled here on TH soon (as the weekly raffle) but go for it if you want a chance at the two guys that are dA specific X3 

Ah, okay then~! I'll wait for the toyhouse raffle~

Alrighty! It will be there on Thursday :)

Awesome~! I'll mark it down and be ready~!

oh my. lol

though I'm VERY INTERSTED. 👀

*eyebrow waggle* Very glad you are :DDD

omg yES