


2 years, 2 months ago


Voice Claim:
Madam Suliman {Howl's Moving Castle)
0:00 #:##

Leader | 109 moons old | She/They

"At My Age, There Is Only One Big Surprise Left, And I'd Just As Soon Leave It A Mystery.

Whitestar is Pineclan's leader, and has been for, what to her, fells like countless moons. She's known for been a diligent and hardworking feline, often skipping hours of sleep in order to focus on her job. The molly can usually be found hunting in the Blessed forest, or the leaders' den.

  • Her family. Whitestar’s love for her family started with her sister, and evolved into something much stronger with her kittens. From a very young age, the she-cat has gone out of her way to honor her parents, and prove her devotion to not just her relatives, but also her clan.
  • Chatting with her clanmates. Despite her rank, there is nothing the leader finds more entertaining than catching up with her clanmates and perhaps even gossiping a little. Her love language mostly consist of spending quality time with those she cares for, so talking and expressing one’s feelings is something vital for the leader.
  • Legends and clan tales.The she-cat,from a very young age, has always had a fascination of her clan’s history and legends, from Moon’s tale to the story of the very first firefly. The leader hopes she can pass down all of these stories onto the next generation, and the next to come.
  • Conflict within the clan.Quite a broad term in reality, Whitestar is used to hearing minor bickering and play fighting gone too far all the way to her den. But, if there is something she can not tolerate, that may have to be cats who go out of their way to cause harm to others.
  • Staying up until late hours. Whitestar may have a lot of practice pulling all nighters, but it is something she would definitely avoid if she could. There are times where she has the day to herself, yet, constantly busying herself with something makes it impossible to relax in the moment she could.
  • Poor manners.Speaking back to your elders, discriminating against a clanmate and breaking the warrior code, are among the few things that can truly bother the leader. She is a rather traditional cat, and respects any cat who honors the clan’s ways.


Lawful Good | INFJ | ??? | TBA
Devoted Firm Empathetic

As Pineclan's leader, Whitestar tries her utmost to reflect her honorable clan through her actions and catiously chosen words. The molly has a strong sense of responsibility and justice, usually extending a paw to those in need of her clan's help, despite going against the wishes of others.

She is ambitious, and dedicated to her rank, often sacrificing hours of sleep to assist however she can. Whitestar knows how to speak her mind, and values loyalty over any other quality. The leader¿s features are described by others as worn.



Tall | Slender | Uptight

Whitestar is an ivory white molly with a long feathery silver tail and ears.

In her golden moons, the leader had a tall, burly and athletic build. However, one could be quick to notice Whitestar's appearance has slowly deteriorated, something that frequently fools any judging eye, when in reality, she is quite the opposite of what her aged body would make one believe. Once a deep wound, the scar running across her muzzle has become the cat's most distinctive feature.

Important Notes
  • Her eyelashes are white.
  • Throughout her younger moons, Whitestar was known for her polished and refined appereance, the best way one could describe her looks now however, can be carefree, as she lacks the proper time to groom herself as she'd wish.
  • Whitestar's scar is not optional.


Someone else's dream...

Whitestar was born into Pineclan alongside her sister Speckledshine. She was taught to be fair and responsible from a very young age, to honor her ancestor, Moonstar. Throughout her apprenticehood the molly would serve as her sister's shadow and voice of reason. She would follow Specklepaw around and do just as she did, only feeding into her sister's ambitious dream of becoming leader.

Even as warriors, Whiteglow and Speckleshine were glued to the hip, until the eldest of the two met her mate and later on had kittens of her own which she'd name Swankit and Moonkit. No other cat in Pineclan was as capable as Speckleshine to become the next deputy, she had been preparing herself for that very moment after all, but with the molly concealed to the nursery the only remaining option would be no other than Whiteglow, which would cause the sibling's fall out.

The molly tried her best to earn her clan's trust, working as diligently as she could, however, Speckleshine would not live to see her sister lead their clan as she'd pass away soon after her kittens would become apprentices. Heartbroken , Whitestar swore to raise her nephews as if their sister's litter had been her own.

Now in present time, Whitestar has been leading Pineclan for quite a few moon,s but has slowly deteriorated, still she stands strong and is trying her best to be there for her clan.

After the flood:

Water surged with force through Pineclan’s territory, carving a trail that eventually would eventually lead a foreigner group of cats known as The shoal into the territory. With nowhere else to go, and weakened by their travels, Whitestar, with the votes of agreement of her clanmates, would allow the felines to reside and assist the clan cats to reconstruct camp. Moons have passed since the incident, and now Braveboulder and the molly work together, and benefit from one another to improve their groups’ ways of life.


Whitestar is loyal to her clan, and deeply cares for each one of its members. She doesn't expect anything in return, but their safety is the molly's priority.

Nephew and niece

Whitestar deeply cares for the two of them, as well as their children. She has always loved them as if they were her own and tries her best to visit them whenever they can.


Friend + Deputy

Whitestar saw the tom grow and guided him through his apprenticeship, having known the other for a long time it was only bound for him to become her deputy. The two care for each other very much.

The leaders feels like they can always count on Dusksong and is happy to have such a loyal deputy. As of late however, they have felt sorry for the tragedies her deputy has been experiencing. Whitestar hopes things get better for him and his family, but losing a loved one is no easy thing to heal from.