
6 years, 6 months ago


Name: Dart

Gender: Male


Dart never stayed in one place for long, traveling from planet to planet trying to find somewhere to call home, he never found such a place that could capture his attention for long enough to stay. He traveled with various bands of people doing work on the ship or mercenary work to get by. Eventually he bought his own ship called "The Toxin", an intersteller craft capable of fast warps. He gathered a crew of his own and set out to live among the stars doing whatever he and his crew pleased.

The Toxin only got more and more fearsome as Dart and his crew modified the ship. He leads his gang of fellow pirates with kindness you wouldn't expect from a feared Captain. He thinks of his crew first and makes sure everyone is on board with the plan before heading out on their next voyage. While in ports Dart always is keeping an ear out for any gossip that could be a new grand adventure.

Dart tends to stand around 5'5" keeping himself around the size of an average human. Dart takes caution with speaking to people, making sure he has the upperhand in the conversation, but in battle he's hot headed and rushes in without considering the consequences. He dreams of one day flying among the farthest stars, discovering worlds not discovered or worlds long lost and claiming their treasures for himself.


Fitted blades that go over his front toes.

Standard Steel Scabbard

Dart was a runner up in the October 2017 Nebnom MYO contest and was bought for 20$