❅ Haize ❅



2 years, 1 month ago



Drifting, forever lost in a fog, knowing naught about the feeling of belonging.












Chasseur - Stratègerㅤ



As quiet and (seemingly) gentle as a snowflake's touch, Haize is frequently lost in deep thought - Silent, and unable to speak about the things that occupy his mind on most days. People often forget that Haize is a blind man, as he makes those around him question it due to his nature of work as well as his general confidence. When he's not in his usual, hazy state, Haize's way of speech and tone is sometimes intimidating to some. Confident, yet cold as the snow, immediately shattering whatever presumptions people might've had about him. He's secretly not a social person at all, and often sounds a lot harsher than he maybe intended to be, and even so, he would be caught dead before actually apologizing for his aggressive tone. He is highly critical and judgemental of others, always ready to strike back should an argument arise.


While he wasn't born blind, it came at him rather swiftly once he actually realized he was losing his vision. As he was still a young child, his parents were extremely worried for his wellbeing and attempted to shelter him, as he was from a well-off family, with no financial stress to worry about should he choose to not seek out any sort of work. Born in a family of mages, he possessed unique abilities just like his other family members had, and even when he was much younger, he knew he wanted to become strong, to be able to protect those who mattered to him. Despite the devastating news, Haize never cried, or showed any signs of anger or sorrow. Instead, he spent countless hours working towards bettering his magic abilities, even when the highest trained clerics couldn't help him not lose his vision.

After many months spent with barely any rest from training and learning, Haize came to a discovery in regards to his magic - With enough mana manipulation, he would be able to give himself temporary vision. A remarkable discovery, but something he couldn't keep up for more than a few seconds at first. Nevertheless, he continued to push himself further to practice and control his magic more and more as time went on. Regardless of how much his parents said and wanted otherwise, Haize was dead set on training himself for combat, even while blind as he did not want to rely on this newfound ability of his when in a stressful situation. At some point his parents would hire private professors, and were shocked at Haize's instincts already being so highly developed that he was able to sense those around him, even sometimes being able to dodge an attack or two. After years of hard work and constant training, he became a formidable foe with senses better than most. As an adult, he is capable of using his mana almost effortlessly to keep his vision up, and when in a state of combat, he is capable to fend off most enemies even with no vision at all, eventually climbing up in the ranks of Eliar's Chasseurs, becoming one of their finest tacticians.

Haize was never a social child, and so he grew up with little to no friends, being so lost in his books and his thoughts, barely even communicating with his family at all as time went on. They left him be and never pushed him to do or be something he didn't want to be, and yet he felt as if he had no choice but to do everything by himself, to learn everything by himself, and to seek higher challenges all by himself. None can really say why, but Haize has only grown to be more distant, always looking like his spirit is somewhere else entirely, making it difficult for him to form bonds with others, as he'd rather get lost in a book in a quiet room. Questions began appearing in his mind - For who is he putting in all this effort? Certainly not for himself, so he naturally began thinking about his family, yet he couldn't even say their name in that moment. He then started thinking about some of his friends, but he realized he never really felt like he was close with them in the first place.

Reaching a... Less than satisfactory conclusion to say the least, Haize has ever since been lost in his own little world, doing jobs he never really liked, surrounded by colleagues who he didn't really understand or want to be around with. Stuck in this cycle of yearning and detachment, he became incredibly lonely, wishing for more meaningful bonds, yet all he has felt for the longest time are little annoyances when he has to pick up after others who didn't quite do a good enough job.