Hiyuki Shoubi



6 years, 6 months ago


Hiyuki Shoubi

"Of course, I'm the cutest in the world~! Teehee~!"

Hiyuki Shoubi

TitlesElder Shoubi, Immortal Queen, Consuming Aberration, Violent Vampire Princess/Blood-Stained Princess
Personal Description
12(Loli Appearance)
20(Normal Appearance)
Hair ColorWhite, Gradient Blue
Eye ColorBlue
RaceElder Vampire
PowersImmense Magic Power, Absurd Regeneration, Shapeshifting
Additional Appearance
DislikesResponsibilities, Past History


At the moment, Hiyuki has the appearance of a childish girl, seemingly around the age of twelve. With long white hair that tinges purple-blue towards the ends, combined with her sky-blue eyes, it is a far cry from the general perceptions of what a vampire may look like. While she keeps most of her hair down, there are two small tails on either side of her head, giving Hiyuki a rather innocent look. Even her body, small and dainty, makes her seem more childish and adorable then necessary.

Even her clothing loudly broadcasts to the world of innocence and naivety...or cosplay. With plenty of frills, lace, and ribbons, her outfit could be summed up in one phrase: Magical Girl. The sleeveless outfit, also complete with over-the-top frills that reach almost past her hands, Hiyuki is pretty much dolled up, to the point where those who knew of her from before would have a hard time recognizing her.

In actuality, Hiyuki's real appearance is worlds apart. Elegant and regal, with any hint of innocence completely nonexistent. While her hair is still a lovely white, it now has a much darker gradient, a deep blue matching the ribbons her childish appearance would have. 


Hiyuki, despite all appearances, is an volatile individual. Everything is either black, or white, and that 'everything', is power. Authority is power, power is authority. So long as a person has power, they were at the top. Due to this, she was rather difficult to handle by anyone, friend or foe, crushing anyone that stood in her way. Bowing down only to those who were more powerful, though not without a fight. That being said, it doesn't mean that the vampire resorts to violence at every opportunity. Political, economical, mental, these can still be a form of power themselves. Her habit of actively encouraging others to rise up against her could be seen as amusing, if it weren't for the fact that most people who tried, failed miserably.

Recently, she has shown attempts of mellowing out, most likely due to societal changes. However, as expected of someone who doesn't understand the word 'moderation', Hiyuki went overboard, attempting to hold back everything. Acting in a cutesy and innocent manner, suppressing her old habits and mentality as much as possible. While mostly successful, when pushed into a corner, or subconsciously reacting, she will usually default back into the 'power over everything' mentality.

Interesting enough, she dislikes her past, finding it a major source of embarrassment. She sometimes cringes just for being reminded of it, with her first three titles being the biggest "souvenir" of said past. Especially the ones referring to her as 'Princess', considering that was the time where she lacked the most restraint, and yet was still fully conscious of her decisions.


While Hiyuki was born into an aristocratic family, being the illegitimate child between the head of the house and a servant girl, she was thrown out. Barely surviving on the scraps that could be scavenged, she suffered quite miserably. Fighting against other orphaned children, Hiyuki barely lived. Enduring, day by day, shedding blood and tears, before entering

When the vampire outbreak occurred, Hiyuki was traveling through China for a business trip.

Her family, is an interesting mix, to say the least. Due to Hiyuki's influence, so long as the outcasts had some sort of power, she would take them in. This has given rise to a melting pot of 

Recently, after finding a certain 'cheating' Shinso vampire, Hiyuki abandoned most of her responsibilities as the Head of her Family, choosing to watch over the newly turned vampire, using the excuse of "Someone has to supervise this loose cannon" to wave off any objections.

Powers and Abilities

Hiyuki, is extremely terrifying, when one tries to fight her. The ones that have witnessed her rampages, and the few that have survived them, will attest to the destruction being akin to a natural disaster. She's nigh-on unstoppable, capable of taking any kind of punishment, both physical and magical. However, that's pretty much it. She pretty much flails at obstacles, completely lacking skill nor finesse.

Absurdly Enhanced Regeneration

As an Elder Vampire, and one that had massacred and consumed countless victims without pause, Hiyuki's racial capabilities would naturally be much higher than most of the vampiric population. This is especially noticeable in regards to her regeneration capabilities. The closest similarity would be a starfish. When a limb is severed from the body, instead of reattaching, Hiyuki can actually regrow the limb. The severed limb would either rapidly decay into a puddle of blood, or be consumed. However, her regeneration capabilities are high enough that, even slicing her entire body in half, from top to bottom, will not kill her. Instead, so long as each part has a portion of her brain, they can regenerate separately, becoming two entities, capable of independent thought. However, while each "clone" has a copy of her memories up to the present, any new memories or information are not shared. The way for the memories to be shared, is for one "clone" to consume all the others, thereby combining the memories, and obtaining the new ones.

While this does make Hiyuki seem nigh on immortal, even more than a standard vampire would be, it works by accelerating her regeneration with blood. This does make the regeneration rather costly in a long run. Hiyuki does attempt to mitigate this by trying to reattach her limbs, but this might not be feasibly possible at the time. If she recovers her severed limb after regrowing, she would consume the limb, feasting on it to salvage as much blood as possible. Of course, these methods aren't enough, so it isn't that surprising for Hiyuki to be extremely active in blood-drinking, either recovering lost blood, or storing excess blood.

Sheer Magic Power

Along with her immense regeneration capabilities, Hiyuki has one of the highest amount of arcane power. This power would be enough for multiple, massive-scale spells to be cast simultaneously, making Hiyuki one of the most destructive mages...if it wasn't for the fact that she never really learn't how to use magic properly. Akin to a brute that throws around their weight like a warhammer, Hiyuki usually prefers simply holding the power in her body, tearing through spells like paper with a magic-infused limb. Other times, she may simply release the pent up energy, akin to a shockwave, whether directional or not.


However, despite not knowing how to properly utilize her magic, Hiyuki is quite proficient in altering her body. Although, whenever asked, she would not be able to tell you the specifics, as she purely shifts on intuition.


-The chronological order of her titles is "All-Consuming Aberration", "Violent Vampire Princess/Blood-Stained Princess", "Immortal Queen", "Elder Shoubi", and finally "Flatpire".
-Usually, it was those in her Family that refereed to her as the "Violent Vampire Princess", while her opponents refereed to her as the "Blood-Stained Princess", although it really depends on whether they are referring to her whimsical nature or her bloodlust.

Profile by Erandia