Abhoma Peccad



6 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Male (he/him)


Omega (Ω)




2013 profile

Your name is ABHOMA PECCAD and God fucking DAMN are you sick of your shitty existence.

You spend almost every one of your caffeine and fury-fueled breaths writing only the most HIDEOUSLY DESTRUCTIVE VIRUSES. By this you mean PISS-POOR CODE-CLUMPS that pretty much do nothing but crash your own computer before you can send them to anyone. You also spend a lot of time FIXING YOUR SHITTY HIVE, mainly the electrical areas, when the power cuts out or something explodes. This happens a lot, so you guess you probably know more about it than most. Your abomination of a hive, located in the most humid, swampy place on Alternia, was built with your POOR, MEGA-LOWBLOODED ASS in mind and it shows. In fact, your blood is the LOWEST YOU KNOW OF, and you really do know a LOT of people. 

Unfortunately for everyone else, you occasionally SEE VISIONS of the flaws that could lead to people’s potential demises. You call it your PWN-O- VISION, and you learned through the accidental slaughter of your HOWLBEAST LUSUS that it only applies to other trolls. It’s definitely the most badass and good quality to have, and not even slightly traumatizing or anxiety-inducing. Not at all. Since your lusus’ demise, you have made it your job to keep all those suckers on their toes. However, most people would use different words to describe what you do - words like TEASING, BULLYING, TORMENTING, WASTING EVERYONE'S TIME AND ENERGY and BEING A MASSIVE PRICK. But hey, the way you see it, you’re just making the game fair for everyone involved - it’s difficult to function when you sit awake all night in fear of being off your guard a second too long. You’re doing them a favour considering they were probably looking down on you disdainfully from the get-go.

To keep yourself awake you drink lots of caffeinated beverages, and when you aren’t writing viruses or taking guard duty with your handy CATTLEPROD KIND, you fill in time GAMING. You're actually very MEDIOCRE at all the games you play, but your uncanny ability to PISS EVERYONE OFF and make things less productive in general means people have learned not to question you when you’re in the zone.

Your trolltag is formidableHarbringer and you talk in a fresh cool way to cohmpliment your MAD H_O_T SELF!!!11!

What will you do?

Symbol: Omega (Ω)
Name: Abhoma (from abhor and abomination I think, can’t remember) Peccad (from peccadillo, meaning mistake or error)
Handle: formidableHarbringer
Blood: Red
Personality: A huge paranoid douchebag, he lets his fear get in the way of absolutely everything, including relating to people. He spends his time attempting to write viruses and gaming, and has an extensive knowledge of electricity.
Text: Uses grammar but doesn't capitalize properly. Frequently slips in obnoxious leetspeak like pwnage or haxxorz. Replaces om with ohm, replaces O (capital) with _O_
Misc: Uses the Casualty Modus – has to come up with how the object will be destroyed before he can use it. Indestructible items he’d just be able to use and it would be very spooky. Lusus was an omega wolf, aka the lowest ranking of the pack – it got exiled into the marshlands and found him. Uses Cattleprodkind.
Title: Thief of Doom
World: Land of Disorder and Silence (a strange land brimming with mysterious machines and contraptions, none of which work as the world has no power. The consorts don’t understand the problem or what any of the machines even do, but to say they are curious is an understatement.)