
2 years, 2 months ago



-This character is primarily from a Parselings game called Faded Memories, and is a companion character to Delta



Iris, much like Delta (See he page), has a bold, loud, sarcastic, and even friendly demeanor on the outside. She likes to make jokes- particularly leans into dark humor - and can USUALLY keep a level head.  Another thing they share in common is that both of them don’t like to show sadness or fear in front of others.  Neither like to show that anyone got to them— but where Delta has learnt this slowly, Iris has perfected it. She got it from Iris, after all. The main difference  between the two is that Iris is more grounded in reality, and, overall, more blunt and pessimistic. They can see things for the way they are, and aren’t going to deny it.  They’ll do what needs to be done… no matter what that is. 

-Many will often cite her as being a little wild and pretty proud about it, and they’d be right. Iris cares very little for what you think of her or what she does. She doesn’t need anyone’s validation. On the rare occasion that she does care what someone has to think, though, it means they either regard you with A; a lot of respect or care  B; Fear or C; both.

-She has honestly probably found herself unable to fully trust anyone anymore. There are people she trusts a good deal, sure …. But never fully. Not anymore. 

-Hearts are their secondary deck for a reason- they’re good at talking their way out of a situation, lying, and outright manipulating others if they want to.  

-Iris has grown a layer of thick skin both emotionally and physically.  Very little gets under it; however, what pisses her off  REALLY pisses her off. Iris’ biggest vice is wrath. Iris has terrible anger issues, and once something really gets her going it becomes hard to stop. While she usually keeps herself level headed, that entire facade drops when she’s angry. This has worked for and against her.


-Old weapons -usually those with blades- in general



-Spiders and Scorpions




-Most animals  




-Larger men

-Black coffee 


-Large, aggressive dogs 

-The color green 


-Country music
