


6 years, 6 months ago


Lucas was a normal gray wolf before the nuclear war. His blood became flooded with toxic waste dude to him breathing in the harmful chemicals too much. He was in so much pain, until a extraterrestrial life form met him. The lifeforms told him they could take him out of his pain, heal him, but the toxic would infuse with him and he would be unable to control his own body. Lucas, in too much pain to listen, agreed profusely to this deal, only listening to the parts where they would take away his pain. They made him drink a liquid and the toxic emerged outside his body. It stung as it clung to his body, and his eye flipped inside out and shaped into a triangle, his mouth disappeared and soon another mouth emerged from the triangle which created an entirely new life form that would control him.  All the green parts of his body are toxic, especially the end of his tail and mouth where toxins appear most. he is unable to speak and his body is controlled by the eye, the only thing he can control is his other eye. The new life form on his body is evil and usually makes him attack others, and he was the first so to speak " zombie " that appeared when he first bit another wolf and infused toxic into them which created the zombie. He sets out to kill survivors.