


6 years, 6 months ago


Barley is mysterious, never talking to anyone. He sits alone, usually on the far side of bars he travels by in the west. Others speculate he may be living dead, using his hat and bandages to cover spots where bone shows. There are rumors that he was caught in a fire, burning his skin off, and barley escaping with his life though his sister and mother were dead, though these are just theories. They say that if he approaches you and asks if you want to hear a tale, you should distract him and quickly run for.If you stick around to hear it , he will lift up his hat and reveal his face and eye, which will immediately kill you. Nobody knows what he tale he tells you. He has a gun case, but no gun. It is said he once lost his golden gun and if you find it and give it to him, he will leave you and your whole family alone for generations to come. 

He is sneaky and mysterious, known to be a heavy drinker and fighter. He is Bisexual and will sometimes flirt with someone he finds attractive though that isn't common. He is also a gambler and also a big cheater.