


2 years, 5 months ago


Credit to Brady The TransformersFan for making the template

Name: soundweaver

Nicknames: wip

Gender: female 

Sexuality: straight

Alt Mode: sr-71 blackbird

Faction: unaffiliated( for Now)

Father: deceased

Mother: deceased

Personality: She's normal quiet and observing taking everything in she's also extremely obedient,as well as respectful and cautious of the ones that seem suspicious but letting her curiosity getting to her and she'll try to get information and dirt on them

Likes: She likes her pet scrapletts, watching human TV mainly animal documentaries,she likes long walks especially on clear nights and Earth's life

Dislikes: Being disrespected is a big no because of her accomplishments she holds a lot of pride towards her scrapletts and disrespecting them disrespects her,if anyone gets in the way of her tv she'll get upset with them,she doesn't mind people interrupting her work but breaking or ruining her work is a big no no

Fears: wip

Quote: wip

Backstory: being similar to soundwave her parents believe shed be like soundwave as they were childhood friends and were attached at the hip but she of course went down a scientific path because she was intrigued by scrapletts at a young age and she decided to domesticate them when she got older finding them cute and after catching a few in her teen year's as well as years of silence and breeding scrapletts while messing with their behavior chips she finally got the first domesticated scrapletts and that was snapper and so she kept breeding the calmest scrapletts and color coding them before trying them to do curtain tasks red for guard dogs , yellow for pets , purple for service scrapletts , and black for breeding and she agreed with Megatron's views and until she fully finished her project then she'll show what she has made and if they are accepted she'll join the decepticon cause