Ophelia pax



2 years, 1 month ago


[C]Credit goes to [This amazing person|http://aminoapps.com/p/tjx9dd] for the art

[C]Credit to Brady The TransformersFan for making the template

Name: Ophelia pax

Nicknames: wip


Age:2million years old (25 in human years)

Sexuality: straight

Alt Mode:tank

Faction: unaffiliated

Father: Megatron/D-16

Mother: Optimus prime/ Orion pax

Personality:she is a sweet heart,selfless,always looking out for her family and friends,caring, gentle,protective

Likes: to wonder, relaxing, finding out things about the world

Dislikes: battle, anything that could harm her

Fears; losing her family

Quote: "hmm uh I prefer to keep my past in the past so please don't bring it back up ok..."

Backstory:ophelia was born to megatron and optimus very early into their relationship by accident and optimus decided to raise her by himself so hid Ophelia from megatron not wanting her to fall into the wrong hands but as she grew she began to explore  more and more soon she found out who her sire was and she was surprised yet heartbroken that her parents started a war all because her carrier got something her sire wanted but yet she also longed to have a sire in her life  and she wondered if he knew about her so she's currently waiting for a good time to meet him and hopefully gain a bond with him