
2 years, 5 months ago


[C]Credit to Brady The TransformersFan for making the template

[BC]Name: Phoenix 

[BC]Nicknames: ms grumpy

[BC]Gender: female

[BC]Sexuality: straight

[BC]Alt Mode: Utah raptor

[BC]Faction: dinobot

[BC]Father: unknown human dead

[BC]Mother: unknown cybertronian dinobot offline

[BC]S/o: na

[BC]Personality: goofy, caring,distant,head in the clouds

[BC]Likes: heavy metal

[BC]Dislikes: getting close to others before losing them

[BC]Fears: wip

[BC]Quote: wip


being a hybrid she is an oddity but she was an oddity her carrier loved as she had fallen in love with a human male and created her with the man she loved although thought not to be similar the small techno organic had proven otherwise ,as  an infant she was always protected by her mother until decepticons learned about the child causing all hell to break loose although she was uninjured it wasn't the same for her carrier as she was mortally wounded but she managed to make the enemy retreat and knowing that she didn't have much longer she took her small bundle to one bot she could think of..... grimlock,after the femme had saw him the femme collapsed and nudged the child forward confusing grimlock as he was shocked at one of his people was this wounded let alone carrying something living, as the femme optics went offline the infant could tell something was wrong crying out surprising grimlock even more this large femme brought her sparkling to him why him,nervously the mech moved forward and picked up the small wigging bundle nearly dropping it after taking one look at the child,shock enveloped him now.knowing what the femme wanted someone to guard her most precious item....let alone cybertrons most precious item something new and unique that could help their species, petting the offline femme on the head he made a promise to keep the child safe before burying its mother and taking the infant under his wing ready to do anything to keep this new found information safe from anyone who wanted to harm her after giving the infant a name he began the long stressful journey of taking care of her still often trying to protect her even in her adulthood.