
2 years, 5 months ago


Name             Jacket
Age                Unknown (Around 2-3)
Breed             Mutt (40% kelpie 30% border collie 10% German shepherd 15% Labrador 5% dalmation)
Power            Unknown (Activated by the scent of blood)
Drawbacks     Unknown

Jacket was born and raised as a stray alongside his siblings, where his mother told them all stories of the cruelty of humans.
His mother was trapped by Animal Control when they were a bit older, and him and his siblings scattered. He has been living
on the streets alone since.

Despite being wary of humans, he grew close to a young adult who began to leave food for him. The man gifted him his jacket
when it was particularly rainy and cold, which Jacket grew to cherish and was named after by the human. Yet, the Animal Control
became aware of him once again, and another failed trapping caused him to leave the man and run away.

When the meteor hit, Jacket was witness to many dogs dying strangely. He was left alone for a long time with survivors, who soon
began to succumb as well until he was all alone. A little while later, he was taken to the Laboratory against his will. He fought to keep
his jacket.

Extra              Based on a very old OC who looked similiar but had purple instead of white markings. Created before
                       but looks very similiar to Ven's cousin's dog.