tbn's Comments

Did anyone from my th(warrior cats, randoms and secondary’s) interest you?

I don't see anything that interests me, sorry

Heya! I could do a shaded full-body or 2 and maybe add on a shaded bust?

I don't really have prices as I'm not great at value sorry '^^


Sorry for no prices, I need opinions on my arts worth from friends(working on this!)
I could do a digitally painted bust like one of these!


sure! It will take a bit though, my birthday is tomorrow and we're having guests so I won't be drawing a ton tomorrow

it's okay!! <3

managed to finish! Do tell me if I missed any details


he is so cute omg!!! please add black things to his face (they are on the reference) uwu

2 Replies

something like that owo


i can do a few halves and busts