



Theme Song:Sydney

Name: Thou (thhh-oh)

Age: 315

Species:  Xeanave(zee-naav)

Gender: female

Height: 6’2”

Occupation: Slave/servant

Sexuality: Pan

Abilities: mind reading, empath


Quirks: nervous, gets anxious when

             she messes up, starts

             shaking to where she can’t

             hold anything, hates closets

             or small spaces(was locked

             into them for disobedience)

             has faint scars on her back

             from being beaten, eats soft

             foods(usually whatever she’s

             permitted to eat), flat chested

             (like all females of her

             species), can feel the pain of

             others (if she focuses)

Likes: having time to herself, wide

           halls/rooms or open spaces,

           sweet foods, especially honey,

           listening to others problems,

           pillows, warmth(if she’s

           sleeping she moves towards

           it), cool or luke warm tea.

Dislikes: being punished, dark or

               cramped spaces(such as

               closets), malicious people,

               feeling cold, headaches,

               making mistakes, needles.


Thou was born on a planet near a dying star. Her people sent their children off to save their species. She was in her species early teens when she left. Leaving behind her parents and the last moments of her childhood. The shuttle she escaped in held over 20 Xeanave children(there were 30 shuttles in total that managed to escape).

Thou never knew what happened to the other ships, she only hoped they faired better then her own. Roughly a month after they warped from their star system, they were attacked. Being children with little to no combat experience, they were quickly overtaken. During the attack several of the children had fatal or more severe injuries. While still others had minor wounds. Thou sustained a few minor injuries. When they were boarded, the aliens who captured them, slew those grievously injured. Only 13, including Thou, were left after they finished.

Her life after the attack was relatively the same. The aliens sold off the Xeanave children in an auction on one of the more lawless planets. Thou spent most of her life being past from master to mistress to auction house. She never did hear of the other children of her species were more or less okay. When asked she normally says she doesn’t know if there are others like her or that she’s the last she knows of.