The Sky Warden



2 years, 1 month ago


The Sky Warden of ELSEWHERE! She's one of the youngest Wardens!

Was locked away in a bird cage for many years of her childhood by exotic bird traffickers, where she did witness some cruel things.
She was passed around from collector to collector, as she was an incredibly rare species known as a Parakeet Phoenix. It didn't help that she displayed the most beautiful colours any collector has ever seen on a Paranix (shortening it, hell yea)

However, it's said that one day, when she was being sold from one collector to another during a storm, she witnessed a light ray that broke through the clouds, and watched as it created a vibrant rainbow. With hope in her heart, she realized her potential and broke out of her cage.

Although lost in a new, unfamiliar world, she felt drawn over to the domain of the sky. With her, she brought the most vibrant rainbow the sky-islands have ever seen. The Sky Warden is who brought the vibrant rainbows up to ELSEWHERE!

At least, that's what the legends say.

I know this may not make sense to people but whatever, she's MtF Trans because it's my character I can do whatever I want! Plus I think they need more representation in series

Most Paranix females are actually just red-ish in hues, maybe slightly dull. It's the males of the species who tend to have bright colours. However, this colouration "limitation" is broken quite often, either when a Paranix transitions or even during birth. It's best to not assume a Paranix's gender nor pronouns because of this.