

6 years, 6 months ago


ORIGIN is the center of all magic. They existed before Ehgivar and most of the Primordial Gods.

Magic Rundown:
Everyone and everything is based off of magic. Everything has magic in it and without it... Life would be much much more sparce. Everyone my be connected to the magic deity, but that doesn't mean they have an affinity to all of them. It's one type and one branch of that magic.
People's affinities are linked to them when their souls are created and casted. The soul is intertwined with it and it becomes who they are.
An Affinity doesn't guarantee magic use though. It just means you are able to use it and learn it easily.
There are learn-able magics, but those are... tricky.
The magic energies, except one, listed in there have one major thing in common. They are all positive sort of energy. From the Lifegiving Arcane to the Orderly Uvane, it is all a sort of positive energy. That's why you can go from one low energy field to another without too disastrous effects unlike going from a high to high. But Void falls out like an outlier. It's an energy that is both unnatural and natural at the same time. While there are plenty of beings with no magic affinity, and those with full positive affinity. Void, a rare circumstance in the nicer areas of reality, falls into the Negative energy. Dismantling what dictates even at a lower level of function, as magic controls it all, even with no magic affinity. Each person has a different reaction to it depending on their affinity, but it typically stays to a generalization. Shattering like glass, held together by the void energy that had ravaged your body. Changing the chemistry that makes you... you. Normally it's presence doesn't mess the psyche, since that's its own body, but it can. Don't do that. Or you'll have something like a not so fun time.

Magic Types

Arcane, the forefront of what most deem magic. The most common energy type swirling within the grand eternity, throughout most of everything. Here, within the existence of Unami, it is one of many energy types that exist. Still, despite it sharing the spotlight, it is very prevalent within existence. Taking up a solid 65% of all available energy swirling between realities and flowing from ORIGIN themself. Those who follow it with devotion will tell you everything about it, from the rigid structure of its societies and the ease of use that comes with it. Order is what Arcane follows, it is what it’s primal course is.
It has two subsections to use semi-rigidly: Spacial Energies and Chrono Energies. What most Arcanists do is choose a path to study and hone. Either becoming one of the many types of Mages on the Choromancer branch, or one of the few types under Chronomancy. Very very few can master both and acquire the title of Archmage.
Space (Choro-)
Stoicheo- (Fire, Water, Earth, Air)
Ourano- (Nova, Ancient Celestial, Nexian)
Lykófo- (Light, Dark, Day/Night)
Efseví- (Holy, Unholy, Eldritch)*

Time (Chrono-)
Techno- (Mechanical)
Dimiourga- (Creation, Destruction)

Under either branch, one is not limited to what they are able to learn, even the ability of learning another branch is plausible, but very very difficult. So long as they have the energy-stores for their task, they can accomplish whatever it is they desire. Most choose to follow one path, be it the elements or those abilities of the stars, or the flow of time itself. Regardless of branch, all those with ties to the Arcane are capable of harnessing it in its rawest from. Pure Arcane. From molding it into a barrier to firing it like a missile.

Uvane energy is much more simple to define than Arcane, as it only has three real forms. The branch name here is Udra. Unlike the order that dominates the Arcane realms, Uvane is much more unstable as an energy. If it weren't for the fact it came out of ORIGIN, one would assume it was very similar to how Void reacts. Hostile and unforgiving towards all who don't have it flooding their energy stores. While the order is lacking here, that only makes it much harder to use. Where there are safeguards and ease of use in Arcane and the other energies, Uvane pushes one's soul to the brink of oblivion. Threatening those who don't grasp it fully. Despite the harsh nature of the magic, there are few who are able to master it, acquiring themselves the title of Udravus Ultima.
Pure (Uva)
Sanguine (Ichor)
Obliteration (Godfire)

Uvane barely covers most aspects one would expect from a magic. It has the ability to create life through the Ichor path. Those devout to it are often found living within the groves of twisted matter, tending to it's needs uninterrupted as the grove generates more Uvane. Most likely having already been bound to through soul by it's caretakers. Defense and Offense are interchangeable through Uva and Godfire. While Godfire is mostly an offensive path, it can be used for defense if need be with it's soul crushing blaze, creating impenetrable walls of flame. Uva is it's rawest form, a liquid-esq shape the flows between realities with ease. Much like raw arcane, it can be molded and shaped into anything the user desires. A shield or a projectile.

Sirvane, also known as the Spiritual energy, has the weakest influence in the grand picture, despite being arguably the most important. Once a powerhouse much like Arcane, now a single branch of magic with it's two sub-routes withering within this slowly dwindling energy. Though it is dying, it still has a role to play in everything, as it's the driving energy for the spiritual realm as well as the Mindscape. Without it, consciousness, and life for that matter, will be impossible. What caused it's slow decline is still a mystery, many assume its because of the disappearance of it's caretaker god but they came along long after it's inception. Due to the lack of energy from this branch, there are very few who use it, let alone mastering it. Those who were masters of this energy were Titled Vitallis
Anima/Pure (Sirvane)
Soulfocus (Vanflare, Psy)

Anima is the product of Sirvane. Anima, the soul of those alive, is fueled by the relentless whir of the ethereal motions of the energy. Much akin to how wind stirs around a planet, this energy blasts through the whole of existence. As it passes through those alive, it rejuvenates the soul. Keeping it standing for as long as it's winds persist. Soulfocus is the offensive form of Sirvane. Focusing the soul to attack both physically and spiritually. In its most common form, it is often called Psychic ability. Due to Sirvane's affiliation with the Mindscape, it is only natural that the abilities of the mind are with it. The final ability, Vanflare, is very simple. It is a sort of Soul fire, much like Godfire. Much weaker than the former in terms of destructive ability, but it's main purpose is to keep those who wish to harm away. If you have noticed, Sirvane seems to be a bit different than those others such as Arcane, Void, and Uvane. That is because it is one of the few energies that is sort of background to those. It runs through, unhindered through those energies. As it supplies life, it must endure.

Miscellaneous is an oddball compared to the rest, mainly in the fact that it isn't... one energy. It's a branching term for those oddball abilities and energies that are either a product of mixing or just strange evolutions that die rather swiftly, suffocated by the sea of evershifting magic. Due to the sheer number of energies that make it up, constantly growing and dying as time marches on, it's rather hard to get a firm grasp on it categorically. It's a chaotic mess of a magic source, the very opposite of what Arcane Energy is. There are no masters of Miscellaneous Magic. Only those who excel at their specific abilities. They are called Aberrants.
The list goes on for as long as there are abilities that don't fall under the normal energies nor originate from them. Though, the newest one on the list is rather perplexing as it originates from... outside of Origin. Much Like Void, but much less ground in this existence. Due to the actions of Raelast, Unami's creationess sister, an influx wave of a strange energy has been interacting with the denizens of life. How it works is beyond understanding, but the essences from beyond the border of existence seem to have taken some root within Unami.

Void doesn't fall into an easy place on ORIGIN's whole scheme. Due to it being an outside primordial sort of magic, it cannot be considered an ORIGIN based magic. It can survive on it's own separated from origin, spread endlessly like a disease, self replicate. Despite how easy it is to assume it comes from Origin, it's best described as a magic parasite that leaches off Origin. That doesn't mean it is all bad, as shown in the document... but it has an unfortunate stigma.
Void (Detailed Document)
Valiat / Raw Void
Fryal / Void Flare
S.V.F. / Strong Void Force
Vlakace / Black Ice

Most magics can combine into majestic things. Hell, most of the beings of creation use them. Here is a list!

✔️ Arcane + Void >  Arcanosis (Ixen)
➖ Arcane + Uvane > No reaction
✔️ Arcane + Misc > Efseví
✔️ Arcane + Sirvane > Lifefire (Valitoa)
❌ Misc + Void > Void consumes Misc
✔️ Misc + Sirvane > Overseer Technology (Overar)
✔️ Misc + Uvane > Riftweaving (Valahad)
➖ Uvane + Sirvane > No reaction
➖ Uvane + Void > High power explosion
❌ Sirvane + Void > Void consumes Sirvane
✔️ Void + Void > Condensed Void Crystal

Find out what would happen if one were to remove magic from life here: What would happen if you did this: The musical